Author: Mike "Kessling" Kessling
Date: Oct 28, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (7) Ice Plains (Start) Def. Perimeter (Start) Wampa Cave Imperial Square Holtable Death Coruscant

Characters (15)

Darth Vader EPP Vader DLOTS Tarkin x2 Ozzel (The Mox Admiral) DS-61-2 DS-61-3 Zuckass Dr. Evezan EPP Fett General Veers Offcer Evax Commander Igar Captain Lennox

Ships (6) Bossk in Teeth Puller Freadnaught x5

Walkers (4) Blizzard Walker Blizzard 1 Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

Effects(11) Battle Order There is No Try Oppresive Enforcement Come Here you Big Coward hell to pay x2 Reactor Terminal Secret Plans Imperial Decree Security Precautions Lateral Damage

Interrupts (16) It’s Worse Combat Readiness (start) Shocking Revaltion (TECH) Elis Helrot x2 monnok x2 Shut Him Up OR Shut Him Down Torture x2 Masterful Move x2 Twi Lek Advisor x2 Limeted Recourses (GameBrakerTechnology) Counter Assault (Trust me ;0)

Strategy: ‘

Always start 5th/3rd markers. Try to get out the locations when you get them. Pull holotable when u get a MM.

Against HB Establish a presence on the table, and drain at the 3rd marker. Use ships to cripple them. You can out last them in space. Monnok late game will help. Stack high destinies, use counter assaualt. This deck has uncanny destiny. Drain in space. Probe. This can be a tight game, HB is dead soon, so dont meta too much against it.

Against Testing Drain some, wait for them to come fight you. Usually they will give you a place to go to (CC). overtake them and drain.

Against Mains Out Fight them. You Can DO IT

This deck is in its prelim versions. I have tested it 2 times, and won both by 28 and 41. The first was against Testing, and the second was against a HB deck. They lost 20something to a CA. Ouch…

Requires play skill, tracking, reading your opponent. ‘