Chadra-Fans of Doom

Title: Chadra-Fans of Doom
Author: Peter "martian" Hall
Date: Sep 1, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (7) Cloud City Platform 327 (Docking Bay) Endor Back Door Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Spaceport Docking Bay Tatooine Docking Bay 94 Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Characters (20) Bothan Spy x2 Chadra-Fan x12 Figrin D’an Kabe Oola Rennek Soth Petikkin Tessek

Interrupts (18) Blast The Door, Kid Control Double Agent Fallen Portal x2 Heading For The Medical Frigate (start) It Could Be Worse Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x2 Rebel Barrier Surprise Assault The Signal x3 You Will Take Me To Jabba Now x4

Effects (15) Bacta Tank Bargaining Table Bo Shuda Civil Disorder Draw Their Fire Honor Of The Jedi Insurrection (start) Order To Engage Staging Areas (start) Traffic Control Uh-oh (start) What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? x2 Wise Advice Yarna d’al’ Gargan ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck has yet to be refined, but I think it is a solid base. The ability to start Uh-Oh AND two other effects is huge for non-unique decks. I went with Insurrection and Staging Areas in order to garuntee that the early game generation gets going. It might be wise to switch Insurrection for Wise Advice when playing a deck that is likely to have S/A or likely to supply docking bays (or both).

Once you get the better part of the crew (when in doubt, go Rennek, Kabe, Tessek, then everybody else) established at the AC, start plopping furry guys down at docking bays. Soth Petikkin lets you pull Chandra-Fan’s or Bothan’s as needed.

There is a healthy supply of pesky interrupts to provide the edge in battle. The old favorites Rebel Barrier and Fallen Portal as well as Double Agent and Blast the Door, Kid make sure that the Chadra-Fan’s are not overwhelmed.

The max drain is 13/turn, but 6-8 is more likely. This is supplemented by direct damage in the form of Civil Disorder, Order to Engage and Surprise Assault.

Several slots are devoted to stopping force loss, since a deck that drains heavy in space could pose a threat. ICBW, Honor of the Jedi, Bargaining Table, as well as a respectable retrieval package (Figgy + Chimes + DTF as a bonus) help offset the mediocre drain potential.

I am required by law to explain how to play versus the popular money decks, so here goes

BHBM - Pull Honor of the Jedi and try to setup quickly. Oola if possible. Take the fight to Vader if they grab the necessary BG’s in space.

Big Blue Space/TIEs - Speed is key, so try to get ground drains setup ASAP. Grab anything that cancels a drain. Also try to get Figgy to the AC.

RallOps - No deployment cost increase for the aliens, so invade Ralltiir early. Order to Engage, and later Civil Disorder are nice. Retrieval should turn the tide.

Everything else - Demonstrate the pure power of the Chadra-Fans.