Diet Super Falcon Uprising

Title: Diet Super Falcon Uprising
Author: Andy "RexBanner7" Klema
Date: Sep 1, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting 7 Local Uprising Endor Farm Heading for the Medical Frigate Menace Fades Squadron Assignments Strike Planning

Locations 9 Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Home One War Room Hoth Echo Command Center Kessel x2 Rendezvous Point Swamp Yavin 4 Massassi War Room

Starships 4 Gold Squadron 1 Home One Independence Spiral

Creatures 2 Nudj x2

Characters 19 Boushh Chewbacca Colonel Cracken General Calrissian Han with Gun x2 Leia with Gun x2 Lieutenan Blount Luke with Stick x2 Master Luke Nien Numb Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan with Stick x2 Orrimaarko Tawss Khaa Tycho Celchu

Effects 4 Bacta Tank Battle Plan Honor of the Jedi Legendary Starfighter

Interrupts 15 Grimtaash Nabrun Leids x2 Out of Commission x2 Punch It x2 Quite a Mercenary Shocking Information x2 The Signal Throw Me Another Charge Tunnel Vision x3

Strategy: ‘

Well, this deck is a speed deck. That’s why I start Squadron Assignments. If you want, you can have a first turn Falcon almost anywhere. Pull General Calrissian using Strike Planning and us Squassin to pull his ship. With Punch It and the Spiral to back it up, the Diet Super Falcon doesn’t go down Sure it doesn’t get as many destiny draws as the original Super Falcon, but it does free up Han and Leia to fight on the ground, and that’s where I’d rather have them. The Kessels and Legendary Starfighter are there to capitalize on the effectiveness of the Falcon. The rest of your locations are 2/0 force choke sites to give you activation without giving any to your opponent. The characters are your standard mains with some interesting support characters thrown in. Namely Blount, Cracken, and Tychu. Why play them? Because they are spies and pilots. They can go anywhere if they are on the Falcon. They can get you into places that you shouldn’t on the ground. Want to beat the crap out of the scrub abusing Mobilization Points? Do it with them. They are key players in this deck. The starships are standard fare. Not that many are in here, because not that many are needed to hold a system. The effects are standard, but the interrupts may be weird to some. Out of Commission? Throw Me Another Charge? Why? Well, they’re really high destinies. Track some nice destinies for the Diet Super Falcon or a mains beatdown. But just as importantly, they can be grabber bait. If you really want to start Nabruning around, play one of these cards. Odds are your opponent won’t want you putting a high destiny card back in your deck, so he uses his grabber. Now you are free to Nabrun. I suppose that’s all I have to tell you. You all know how decks match-up, so I won’t go into that. Just enjoy the deck.’