X-wing Swarm - TRM Style

Title: X-wing Swarm - TRM Style
Author: Bryan "DMX" Prittie
Date: Sep 3, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations—>(11) Yavin 4 Throne Room (start) Farm (start) Swamp (start) Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Kessel x2 Kiffex x2 Coruscant Yavin 4

Characters—>(13) Obi-Wan with Ligthsaber x3 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x3 Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 Leia with Blaster Rifle Boussh Orimaarko Tawss Khaa Melas

Weapons—>(6) Luke’s Lightsaber x2 X-wing Laser Cannon x4

Blue—>(12) X-wing x12

Admiral’s Order—>(2) Concentrate All Fire x2

Red—>(16) All Wings Report In x2 S-Foils x2 Yarna Da’l Gargan x2 Careful Planning (start) Organized Attack x2 The Signal x3 Wise Advice Grabber Incom Corporation x2

Strategy: ‘

This deck is so unexpected it’s not even funny. My friend Tom & I were buildin’ decks last night, and we’re thinkin’, damn, X-wings are good, but HB sucks ass these days. And then we decide that Throne Room is still a viable deck, but we want X-wings. So we combine the too. Great idea The deck is so powerful in space it’s not even funny. With the Admiral’s Order out and S-Foils and Incom Corporation, each X-wing that fires a weapon in a battle is power 9 And each that doesn’t fire, but all the other stuff is out still, is still a power 6 2 of these together is a power 15 that can draw a destiny (not to mention if you play Organized Attack). Sweet, eh? And the nice thing about the Admiral’s Orders is that if you miss the weapon targeting [with the X-wing cannon], you get to try again. No one expects it so no one will ever Monnok you early. You should have enough time to get Yarna out before he will really think to Monnok you. Bounty Hunter ships pose no threat cuz they are too easy to hit with weapons This deck takes ROPs out to lunch cuz if you occupy Ralltiir, all your lightsaber draws on there (the <> sites) are +1 each. (Same idea for Yavin 4 Occupation and stuff). To hold Incom Corp. drop it at like the Throne Room or the War Room and drop Melas and Orrimaarko, or maybe even just EPP Obi. That way, they can’t just deploy a spy and cancel it. Think about it, what’s the only GOOD and viable spy for DS? Mara and Sarkli. So if you drop EPP Obi there, you can cut em’ up so you know for sure they won’t control the site. If they don’t battle you in space. Drain at Kessel and Coruscant and Kiffex for um…….was that 8 a turn? yeah…it was. The destiny in the deck is good too. The deck is very powerful, about the only thing I wanna add is Traffic Control for excessive drawing, but that’s it.

Give it a shot, it’s done absolutely awesome in playtesting with another perfect record of 6-0.

Bryan ‘DMX’ P ‘