The Revenge Of The Flying Hellfish V1 5

Title: The Revenge Of The Flying Hellfish V1 5
Author: Jamie "JEEBS" Giberti
Date: Sep 4, 2000 Rating: 4.5




Set Your Course For Alderaan Death Star Death Star Docking Bay 327 Alderaan Prepared Defenses Oppressive Enforcement Mobilization Points Something Special Planned For Them (8)


Wakeelmui Kuat Kessel Kashyyyk Kiffex Sullust Asteroid Field (7)


Emperor Palpatine U-3P0 Commander Merrejk 2 x Admiral Chiraneau (5)


Inconsequential Losses Reactor Terminal Resistance Crossfire Dreaded Imperial Starfleet Sienar Fleet Systems Kuat Drive Yards Lateral Damage Battle Deployment (9)


Heavy Turbolaser Battery Sienar S-93 Tie Cannon (2)


3 x All Power To Weapons 2 x Twi’lek Advisor Ghhhk Short Range Fighters I Can’t Shake Him Frustration (TECH) (9)


6 x Tie Interceptor 2 x Tie Vanguard Death Star Assault Squadron The Emperor’s Shield The Emperor’s Sword Zuckuss in Mist Hunter 3 x Dreadnaught Chimaera Executor Vengence Devastator (19)

Admiral’s Order

Battle Deployment (1)’

Strategy: ‘

This is the second version of my sycfa tie deck. First of all props to ChrisUK and ORS Killer for pointing out some flaws in the first version. This is a basic sfs deck with some twists. Plenty of capital ships for support, KDY to help pull them out and keep them on the table. If you manage to stick Palpy at the docking bay, it counts as 1 of the battle grounds for resistance, and the site for battle order, and they can only get rid of you if they manage to shoot/chop him,and that aint easy. As soon as you get your starting hand, search for wakeelui, or kuat if you have wakeelmui in your starting 8 cards. If you have both of them, you could always take the Executor. Get SFS out asap, and spread out and drain/retrieve at your leasure. Use Chiraneau/Merrejk to enhance drains/pull ships. Battle Deployment puts a bit of a crimp into that Home 1/Falcon on its own, and shuts down superfalcons destiny

Changes from last time

Frustration Superb anti grabber tech. Also good for making them deploy a ship right into your hands )

Heavy Turbolaser battery Good for stopping that Liberty from regenerating, and can also deploy on the D*, thats tech.

Less Tie Ins, 2 x Vanguards Less Monnokable, Vanguards are cool.

Death Star Assault Squadron Pullable with the objective, great for Hit and run, power 18 with all power to weapons, basically the beatdown squad rolled into 1.

Emperors Sword Got it yesterday, better than shield, 3 retrieval for the price of 1.

No Sec Prec This deck doesnt need it to take out HB, the power is there, and everything is immune to attrition most of the time anyway

Battle Order Easily Pull-offable thanks to syc’s gametext.

Resistance See Battle Order


You will outpower them easily. Take them on whenever you want, use the D* Assault Squad for hit&run attacks, use frustration to attempt to get rid of superfalcon, or at least plop it in your alp for a beatdown. Probe, kill them, easy win.

VS Dagobah

The deck has gone even faster now that more cards can be pulled out, so that gives dagobah even more of a headache. If they manage to get to test 5 and retrieve, they might hurt you, but you should have built up a huge lead by then.

VS Dagobah X-Wing/B-Wing Swarm

See above, but also, thats why crossfire is in this deck. The Cannons are good for taking them out, and ill take Tie Interceptors backed up by dreadnaughts and APTW over x-wings/b-wings with their s-foils nullifed anyday

VS Profit

The Hard Matchup. It very well may come down to the luck of the draw. You have to get Battle Order Going, I would start it instead of Something Special Planned. Resistance might help aswell, you have to keep the retrieval going and drains going with Chiraneau. May require Luck/Skill, but you can eek through most times.

VS Mains & Toys

Battle Order/Resistance will help to lock them down. You could always lure them will a lone tie/ghhhk, but I dont think you would need to. Lateral Damage could win it in 1 go for you.


Basically the same game plan as M & T. Just play on your terms and not his.

Thanks for reading.’