Rall Ops of course

Title: Rall Ops of course
Author: Bong "Godsmacker" Packer
Date: Sep 4, 2000 Rating: 2.0



‘Starting Ralltiir Operations/ In The Hands of The Empire Ralltiir Prepared Defenses (Effects Depend)

Characters IG-88 With Riot Gun Darth Vader With Lightsaber Grand Moff Tarkin M’iiyoom Onith Dengar With Blaster Carbine 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle AT-ST Pilot x5 Lieutenant Watts Officer Evax Colonel Davod Jon Lieutenant Commander Ardan Major Marquand

Effects Battle Order Ability, Ability, Ability Bad Feeling Have I There Is No Try Imperial Decree Imperial Arrest Order Failure At The Cave There’ll Be Hell To Pay Empire’s New Order Oppresive Enforcement Mobilization Points

Ships Dengar In Punishing One Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Boba Fett In Slave 1 Bossk In Hounds Tooth IG-88 In IG-2000 Devastator

Vehicles Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout x2

Interrupts Monnok x2 Sniper Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us Gravity Shadow Wounded Wookie Trample Control Alter Twi’lek Advisor

Locations Executor Docking Bay Jungle Spaceport Docking Bay x2 Spaceport Street Forest Kashyyyk Wakeelmui Kuat

I think you all can figure it out. Gets activation of at least 8 on second turn. Then I deploy to Ralltiir, flip, consolidate to 2 sites (if necessary). Then it’s easy from then on out. Keep them from flipping you by fortifying, getting AT-ST’s for reacting. Use the Interrupts and Effects to stop them cold. No, I don’t have 18 Vaders, just the 1. No, I don’t have any Maras. No, I don’t have the Emperor or Overseeing it. This deck still went 2-1 with a +46 differential. And the one loss was a timed loss I should have won, I just played sloppy.’

Strategy: ‘

Oooopss… I put most the strategy in the card list section. Well…. you all know how to play Rall Ops. EBO- get out the Imp Decree, Gravity Shadow, Monnok if it’s non unique swarm, etc. Profit- IG-88 and Sniper work wonders. Imp Decree takes the saber benefits away. And so on and so forth…. it’s late… oh well. You all know how to do it.’