ISB Mystikal Style

Title: ISB Mystikal Style
Author: Dan "Mystikal" Christy
Date: Sep 5, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective ISB Operations/ The Empire’s Sinister Agents

Agents 2x Outer Rim Scout Chall Bekan Colonel Wulf Yularen Commander Merrejk Officer Evax Corporal Vandolay Captain Jonus Lt. Pol Treidum 5D6-RA-7

Non-Agents 2x Lord Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Commander Nemet Captain Sarkli Commander Igar Jabba The Hutt Boba Fett w/Blaster Rifle Mosep IG-88 w/ Riot Gun 4-LOM w/Concussion Rifle U-3P0

Localities Coruscant Wakeelmui Coruscant Imperial Square C Docking Bay Executor Docking Bay Endor Docking Bay 2x Spaceport Docking Bay

Effects Oppressive Enforcement There Is No Try Search And Destroy You Cannot Hide Forever Come Here You Big Coward Broken Concentration Reactor Terminal Something Special Planned For Them Mobilization Points Imperial Arrest Order First Strike Crush The Rebellion Security Precautions

Starships and Vehicle Tempest 1 Zuckus In Mist Hunter Dreadnaught-Cass Heavy Cruiser Boba Fett In Slave 1 Dengar In Punishing 1 Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Chimaera

Weapons 2x Vader’s Lightsaber

Interrupts Twi’lek Advisor Ghhhk Prepared Defenses Monnok Masterful Move Nevar Yalnal

Tech Fighters Coming In ‘

Strategy: ‘

Start IAO, Mobil Pts. and whatever suits the occasion. Start Coruscant unless the start HB. then start the Square so you can convert later. Pull Wakeelmui before you activate. Get out your 1/0 DB’s first then put 1 SP DB at Coruscant and 1 at Wakeelmui. Those 2 and the Endor DB provide your 3 to side-step HOTJedi. The Admiral’s Order is sweet as it adds to your drains at DB’s related to systems you control.You do get some power taken away, but you are not really out to be battling with the ships at that point anyways. If you do need to battle, then don’t deploy it. jeez. Most of the agents are Imperial due to the forfeit bonus of IAO, but if Eloms are still big where you are, then ORS will do it nearly as well. Do your best to work Nevar Yalnal with First Strike so you can retrieve it. Lt. Pol is tech for spy cover breaking too. Imperial Decree might make a nice addition. LT. Blount isn’t much of a problem. Either go at him with Vader, or 4-LOM him, that will save you for a turn anyways. He can be dealt with. If you have questions then send me a message, preferably before you rate this. Suggestions are also welcome either by message or in your review. Enjoy ‘