ISB Mystikal Style v1 1

Title: ISB Mystikal Style v1 1
Author: Dan "Mystikal" Christy
Date: Sep 7, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘ISB Operations

Agents Chall Bekan 2x Outer Rim Scout Admiral Ozzel Corporal Vandolay Officer Evax Sergeant Tarl Captain Jonus Commander Merrejk Colonel Wulf Yularen Sergeant Torrent Corporal Derdram Lt. Pol Treidum Probe Droid 5D6-RA-7

Freaks Commander Igar IG-88 w/ gun Sim Aloo 2x Lord Vader

Hot Spots SpacePort DB Endor DB Hoth DB Y4 DB DS2 DB Coruscant DB Imperial Square

Blue Stuff Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Chimaera 2xDreadnaught Dengar In P1 Zuckuss In MH Boba in S1 Bossk In HT

Interrupts Ghhhk Monnok Prepared Defenses Twi’lek Advisor Boring Conversation Anyways 2x Nevar Yalnal Masterful Move

Strategy: ‘

I’ve forgotten to add my effects and weapons to the list…. bear with me. I’m just as stressed about it as you…

Effects Oppressive Enforcement Security Precautions You Cannot Hide Forever Mobilization Points IAO Lateral Damage Search And Destroy Broken Concentration First Strike Secret Plans There’ll Be Hell 2 Pay Undercover Come Here You Big Coward

Weapons 2x Vader’s Saber

OK. Strategy I’ve added the Rebel Base docking bays in case of need of an emergency flip. I have 5 more agents and a couple more blue cards than before. I took out Coruscant because Blount always tried to fly there and I found it difficult to kill him there. HOTJedi will never be a problem coz you have 4 downloadable BG’s. 2 Nevar Yalnal’s and Lt. Pol will be able to handle any sneaky bastards. And sorry folks, Mara just doesn’t fit into the deck for me. Sim Aloo proved to be better against tracked destiny. Plus he just looks so angry in the picture. I dropped about 85% of my non-agent characters, but the never ending supply of agents makes it worth it. Let me know what you think.’