Tinker Toyz

Title: Tinker Toyz
Author: Rich "ONE-ARM" Jeffery
Date: Sep 7, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Rebel Strike Team Endor Endor Rebel Landing Site HFTMF Squadron Assignments Strike Planning One Other Effect To Be Determined

Characters Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight General Solo Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk Daughter Of Skywalker EPP Leia Admiral Ackbar General Crix Madine Wedge Antilles RSL General Calrissian Nein Nunb Colonel Cracken Leiutenant Blount Tycho Celchu Jek Porkins Ithorian Wuta Orrimaarko Major Panno Sergeant Junkin Corporal Midge Corporal Kensaric

Effects Close Air Support What Are You Trying To Push On Us? Bacta Tank HOTJ Wise Advice Your Insight Serves You Well Insurrection

Interrupts I Know The Signal Insertion Planning x2 Rebel Leadership x2 Throw Me Another Charge x2

Ships Red Squadron 1 Gold Squadron 1 Tala 1 Tala 2 Red 6 Green Squadron 3

Locations Cheif Chirpa’s Hut Bunker Hidden Forest Trail Back Door

Weapons Explosive Charge x3 Luke’s Saber Anakins Saber

Admiral’s Order’s I’ll Take The Leader x2

Epic Events Deactivate the Sheild Generator ‘

Strategy: ‘

I decided to still try to blow up the bunker. I have it down so it really only takes up 6 cards. I usually end up flipping then blowing up the bunker. The choice of the starting effect is fairly obvious versus most decks. When in doubt I usually start YISYW because it  protects from many decks and allows me to grab any one of three other effects in my deck. I usually drop Madine first turn with a scout. If I have enough force that scout is Chewie, he then grabs Wuta. Versus Ralops sometimes I choose to go with a first turn Lando in Falcon. This is an option but it is seldom chosen. I usually get all three Generals in my hand by the time my first turn comes around, but all three are not necessary. The two that you want to grab first are Solo and Madine because they help you out on the ground.Midge and Panno are great after the flip or used to flip. Close Air Support is nice but not necessary to the deck.

Explanations of cards

Jek Porkins He’s mainly in there cause he’s a matching pilot and his ship is Tech baby Tech

Close Air Support This card rules. With the mad destiny of this deck that’s like adding 10 to my power

Insurrection Just though I’d mention this card with this card on the table all except 3 of my characters have a forfeit of 5 or greater, and only 1 has 5.

Red 6 I love this guy. I just happen to be partial to it and it has served me well. I’ve probably drawn it for destiny more than any other card in the deck.

Deactivate The Sheild I know most people don’t think this is worth it, but I choose to use it mainly it’s nice to finish off a dying opponent. I use it mainly after the flip, but it’s also nice to get the force loss started.


VS. BHBM. Since this deck has three spies it is possible to beat down the Emperor, but that would just take luck. Instead what I suggest is Pull Honor. If he ever does Occuppy three BGs or you’re annoyeed by the one force loss to Your Destiny deploy luke. It’s good to deploy him where you have a bunch of power and multiple destinies. From then on I wouldn’t worry so much about him cause again this deck has mad destinies.

VS. Ralops. Spies to Raltirr. Need I say more.

VS. Endor Ops. You can easily hold the planet. If they play all space with operational as planned just deploy to the landing site. Eventually you’ll take down the bunker and gain the upper hand. Your ships should be able to take down the ships, but most of the pilots are good on the ground especially with insurrection out.

Those are all the decks that I have played against several times and that I have been able to create a strategy against. Please reveiw with any suggestions or comments you may have. Feel free to D-mail me with any questions. If any one in Minnesota would like to playtest let me know.

Thanks, Rich Jeffery II ‘