Really Bad EBO Deck

Title: Really Bad EBO Deck
Author: Ted "Rogue15" Panczyszyn
Date: Sep 7, 2000 Rating: 4.5



Starting (4)

Hoth Main Power Generators Hoth North Ridge The Signal A New Secret Base

Locations (6)

Hoth Kiffex Chandrilla Hoth Echo War Room Hoth Echo Docking Bay Hoth Echo Corridor

Admiral’s Orders (1) Capital Support

Characters (15)

EPP Luke EPP Han EPP Leia Luke Skywalker General Calrissian Wedge Antilles, Red Sq. Leader Jeroen Webb Admiral Ackbar FO Thaneespi Red Leader Hobbie Elyhek Rue Tycho Celchu Bren Quersey Biggs Darklighter

Weapons (2)

X wing laser cannons

Starships (13)

RS 4 RS 1 Red 1 Red 3 (should go out…needs astromech) R2 in red 5 Red 7 Red 8 Millenium Falcon Liberty Spiral Independence Home One Tantive IV

Effects (10)

EBO Haven Insurrection Wise Advise Honor of the Jedi Staging areas (may come out) Your insight serves you well Squadron assignments (may come out) Ice storm Traffic control

Interrupts (9)

Control x2 The Signal x2 Grimtaaash Lost in the Wilderness It could be worse Houjix Rebel Barrier ‘

Strategy: ‘

Its EBO. The trick is to deploy it ASAP. Occasionally it happens 2nd turn, sometimes it takes 4-5 turns, depending on what characters you have. It has gone 9-6 in tournament play. The EPP’s are there, of course, to make an effort to beat up their ground forces, but if you get EBO up and running quickly it will be a big drain race. I added the controls to stop Imperial Propaganda (thanks, Frank) and/or buying time with a few early big drains. If you’ve read the few reports I’ve written, you’ve seen when I’ve had problems with it. You can trash rate it if you want, but I’d rather have feedback on what to add or change. This is my first deck submission, and I may submit “Big Pete’s Revenge” over the weekend. ‘