Aven s DOcking Bay Hunt Down

Title: Aven s DOcking Bay Hunt Down
Author: Chris "Raven" Aven
Date: Sep 8, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting7 Hunt Down Ex Meditation Chamber Ex Holotheatre Visage Imperial Arrest Order Mob Points

Charecters16 4-LOM w/ Rifle Admiral Piett Boba w/ Blaster Colonel David Jon Commander Igar Darth Vader Darth Vader DLOTS Vader w/ Saber x2 Moff Tarkin x2 IG w/ Rifle Lord Vader Lt. Pol Treidum Mara Officer Evax

Weapons2 Mara’s Saber Vader’s Saber

Blue5 Blizzard 2 Chimaera Dengar in One Executor Tempest 1

Effects13 Crush the Rebellion First Strike Much Anger in Him Presence of the Force x2 Reactor Terminal Responsibility of Command Secret Plans Security Precautions Grabber Visage x3

Interrupts13 Imp Command x2 Main Course Put All Section on Alert x2 Trample x3 Twi’lek x3 You are Beaten x2

Sites4 DS Docking Bay Endor Doking Bay Ex Docking Bay Hoth War Room ‘

Strategy: ‘

I had a mind lasp while typing this , I forgot to put down prepared defense

First off I know I’m not playing much space thats because super Falcon is dead. Imp Command Admiral Piett and the Executor can do a lot. But now let’s talk about the deck. Charecters are normal. Piett is for Imp Command plus he’s great on Executor. Colonel David is good and effected by IAO. If I had them I would play 1 Darth Vader, 2 Siths, and 2 Lords, but I don’t. These starships in my opinion are the 3 best for the dark side. Chimaera is immune to attrition without a pilot power 8 and forefit 10. That is good enough for me. Dengar in One cancles oppenents immunity to attrition and adds 1 to your battle destiny. Executor,enough said. Only effects that may need an explaination are the Much Anger in Him, Responsibilty of Command, Hoth War Room, combo. The Imp Commands are to grab Piett and to cancle the Uber Falcon.

MWYHL Get out the docking bays and drain with presenses of the forces. You should do enough damage to stop them from retreving if they flip.

Hidden Base This is the hard game. Again get your docking bays and drain. Wait for them to flip to deploy precautions then beat down the smallest force the have at a system and probe around.

Profit Go drain them at there sites. The walkers and the high destiny help a lot. Track 7’s trample, track, trample, I think you get the idea.

Rescue. This game is a joke. Put your walkers down fast and, trample the droids. If they do get her freed chances are good that they will not put many charecters if any with her so you put down Iggy capture her and site some where.

Constructive Advice is welcome. ‘