Hunt down with some dueling

Title: Hunt down with some dueling
Author: Jason "jade" Foss
Date: Sep 10, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Hunt Down Holo Theater Meditation Chamber Visage Epic Duel Pre Defences Secret Plans Mob Points IAO

Locations Cloud City Docking Bay Endor Docking Bay Death Star Docking Bay Carida

Characters Epp Vader[3] Darth Vader DLOTS[3] Mara Jade[2] Emporer Palpatine Grand Moff Tarkin Sim aloo Janus Greejatus Iggy With gun Brangus Glee

BLUE[6] Tempest 1 Zuckus In Ship Boba In Ship Dengar in Ship Bossk in Ship Dreadnaugt

Effects Come Here You Big coward Security Precations Reactor Terminal Visage

Interupts Vaders Obsesion[2] Circle Is now Complete[2] Focused Attack[2] Whepon Of an Ungrateful son Wheapon Lev Hutt Smooch Put All Sections On alert[3] Masterful move[4] Alter [3] Sence

Whepons Vaders Saber Darthes Saber Maras saber ‘

Strategy: ‘

This Deck Has only lost 1 game in the last 3 tounys.Im not going to go into how to use the docking bays and how to get around honar cause everybody nows already so i will tell you why i play some of the ccards i do.

CARIDA=This is just so I can Pull it with mob poins and Get 2 exetra force plus it helps me satify Battle plan

Death Star docking bay=Projection of a skywalker can’t go here plus put all sections on alert works here.

Cloud city Docking bay=Projection can’t go here.

Endor Docking Bay=Lot’s of force Is requied for them to go to or from here.

Brangus Glee= This guy is good when you play with lot’s of docking bay.your docking bay transit is free when going to or from same site.

DLOTS=He is just better than all the others the only one close is lord vader

Sim Aloo= Helps dueiling adds destiny with emporer is awsom

Emporer Palpatine=He is just good cool combo is him with sim aloo and janus greejatus = 2 destinys and adds 1 to force drains

Grand Moff Tarkin= cancel a destiny with vader is just very good

Mara jade= Duel with vaders obsesion and lose no effect.

Dreadnaugt= My favorite ship in the game low deploy and abitity 2 means with any of the other bounty hunter ships it draws at least 1 destiny

Dengar in punishing one=Cancels immunity to attrition so you can say by to the super falcon and home one also great against swarms.

Tempest 1= just to provide exrtra ground power

Masterful move=just so you can track and win duels with.

Put all sections on alert=awsom destiny 6 card let’s me cancel the gamtext of one of those anoying epps like han so they dont draw as many desties plus they cant shoot also you can star tracking them.

Hutt smooch= this card is better than sniper in my mind because it is automatic sniper is’t plus you have to have a whepon there to use sniper.

Whepon of a ungrateful son=love this card when your opponet uses his lightsaber to increase a drain put it in his used pile and next turn go duel him

Security Precations=This deck has some problems with hidden base decks So I put this in to help that matchup out.

Secret Plans= this card is awsome it shuts down those mind what you have learned decks that just flip and retrieve there entire lost pile.

Darth vader saber=Helps me win duels


Against mind what you have lerned Just do your regular stuff and you should win this game Be very careful about dueling After they flip because they probaly have a seven stacked.

Against there is good in him Pick up luke immedietly and duel obi so there 2 heavy hitters are out of the game From there out just don’tlose duels and you should win this game.

Against hidden base just do your regular stuff get security precations out and probe there hidden base you should win but it will be closer than the others.

Against Mains just use your high destinys to duel there guys and crush there epps

That’s pretty much what people play in my area.