Static-X s Amazing Elom Brigade

Title: Static-X s Amazing Elom Brigade
Author: Dan "Static-X" Grover
Date: Sep 11, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘LOCATIONS (7) Jabba's Palace Audience Chamber {S} Jabba's Palace Entrance Cavern Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Docking Bay 94 Hoth Echo Docking Bay Home One Docking Bay Cloud City Lower Corridor

CHARACTERS (20) 2x Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight 2x Ben Kenobi 2x Tessek Tanus Spijek Leia with Blaster Rifle Captain Han Solo 11x Elom

STARSHIPS (5) Millenium Falcon Home One Spiral Tantive IV Liberty

WEAPONS (2) Obi-Wan's Lightsaber Luke's Lightsaber

EFFECTS (9) Insurrection {S} Staging Areas {S} Uh-Oh {S} Honor Of The Jedi Bo Shuda Traffic Control Bacta Tank Mantellian Savrip Wise Advice

INTERRUPTS (17) Heading For The Medical Frigate {S} 5x Sense 3x Alter 3x The Signal 2x You Will Take Me To Jabba Now 2x Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes Shocking Information’

Strategy: ‘

This deck is lots of fun, and is pretty dangerous too. The basic idea behind it is to get Tessek and Tanus Spijek at the Audience Chamber with Bo Shuda as soon as possible. Then, Eloms deploy for 2, have a forfeit of 4, and a power of 2, 5 against an Imperial. And who plays Imperials? These days, everyone plays Imperials. Your force drains are also plus one wherever you have an Elom. The rest of the deck is fairly self-explanatory. Anyway, this is just a prototype… let me know what you think.’