The TRUE nature of the FORCE

Title: The TRUE nature of the FORCE
Author: Ryan "CmdCorranH" Austin
Date: Sep 13, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘START (7) Local Uprising/Liberation Endor Farm Heading for the Medical Frigate Squadron Assignments Strike Planning (or Menace Fades against Endor Ops) Your Insight Serves You Well

LOCATIONS (6) Cloud City Lower Corridor Tatooine Cantina Kessel Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Rendezvous Point Swamp

CHARACTERS (16) Leia W/Blaster x2 Wedge Antillies, Red Squadron Leader Obi-Wan W/Lightsaber x2 Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 Lieutenant Blount Orrimaarko Captain Han Solo x2 Melas Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2 Tawss Khaa Tycho Celchu

INTURRUPTS (14) Courage of a Skywalker Clash of Sabers The Signal x2 Shocking Information x2 Sense x5 Alter x3

EFFECTS (7) Order to Engage Bacta Tank Traffic Control Honer of the Jedi What’re you trying to push on us? Menace Fades Mantellian Savip

CREATURES (2) Nudj x2

WEAPONS (2) Luke’s Lightsaber Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

STARSHIPS (6) Red Squadron 1 Green Squadron 3 Home One Independence (or Tala 2. Please LMK which one U think is better) M.Falcon x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is an updated version of my deck The true POWER of the FORCE but I have given it a new name since I have changed the decks start around. As you know (well maybe not) my previous mains & toys deck started hidden base (obj) and used systems to get out activation. There were two slight problems with this deck (gave away force & gave Ties more places to go and more activation) so I changed the start to a near TR start using the Local Uprising objective. With the objective you start Endor as well as farm and pull swamp & a nunj on your first turn. On your second turn you pull your second nunj which combined with Strike Planning (makes Endor a 2/0 system) has you receiving 5 force from your sites (better then TRs 4) while giving away none. This is an extreme pain to ties as well as many other decks. Even against BHBM I can almost always match/beat their force activation which is big against BHBM. Adding in Yodas Hut & R.Point gives you another 4 force while giving away none (and they cant deploy to either site). Now that your activation is settled use this deck as a standard TR mains deck and go kick some serious butt. One other thing that is new in this version of this deck is my starting Squadron Assignments. With this card you can pull your sweat starships/pilots from reserve deck very fast and all of them deploy dirt-cheap and are very powerful. The only starship that will give you trouble is Zuckess in MH. But as you can see Melas & Leia really help to kick him off the table so he wont be much of a problem. Alter takes care of that pesky Lateral Damage and Sense kills those Barriers & All Power to weapons. This deck does very well against Ties & BHBM which are the meta DS deck of today. Know I know one other question you’ll ask is *why not General Solo? I know I can pull him with Strike Planning and then pull Falcon (Squadron Assignments) but Captain Han is just WAY better on the Falcon and I have two of each (so easy to get one fast). BTW for you newbies I DO NOT FLIP so please dont give me a bad rating because I don’t have any operatives Well enough of that so know lets look at some deck match-ups

AGAINST BHBM Get your sites out and get yourself set up. Now it*s your choice whether you want to give Luke away but I’d advise against it (BHBM will win some battles & Luke is awesome to just keep on using then losing). Try to grab their S/A and then overwhelm them with your heavy dose. As I said BHBM will win some battles but Bacta Tank and Savip will give the win since they will have to lose ships & you will lose from hand (or to the tank). Play right and you’ll win.

AGAINST Ties If this deck is poplar where you play then add a grimtaaash. Literally starve them for force and use Squadron Assignments to get out your nasty ships as well as draining on the ground. Savip will be HUGE in this game since you will get pounded for power at least once (then lose 2 Obi*s from your hand instead of your Super Falcon). Bacta Tank will help a lot as well and your draining will wear them down. Make sure to grab & sense their All Power to Weapons and Alter SFS (Make this a priority). Also there is the added bonus that most tie decks these days are NOT playing with cannons so your ships are safe. (even if they are interceptors are only destiny 2 which can’t kill my fighter since they must draw a 3 even if X=3) Again if you don’t play sloppy you will win.

HUNT DOWN I have gotten a lot of reviews to my previous decks that say that I would get killed if I played dueling so I have decided to add a strategy section. Now let me first STRESS the fact that there are almost NO Hunt Down dueling decks where I play (never seen a post DS2 one) so I only have courage in here. I really don’t think this would be difficult with Courage, Glancing (which you should add if you play HD duelers), Sense (there is a good chance you may be able to sense a duel), and your superior beats. As I said I havent played one yet but I am VERY confident in this decks chances of winning.

AGAINST ENDOR OPS Well start Menace Fades against this deck (instead of Strike Planning) and get yourself set up with activation and drains (on the ground). Save your space until you can get Savip out or unless they don’t have hoards of star destroyers. I have a friend who plays this deck (many star destroyers & BH ships) and I beat it every time I get Savip out (I just lose cards from hand & he loses ships). If you get out bacta tank then your opponent is even more dead (there is nothing more annoying to your opponent then losing Wedge to the Tank 7 times). Once their ships get worn away use OTE to inflict some BIG damage. This is a hard match-up but this deck is very capable of winning.

AGAINST COURT I*m not going to go very long on this deck since the game is over from the start. Use OTE and your mains to clean them out of characters as well as drain them to death. Really a simple game.

THANKS for reviewing my deck if you have ANY questions please D-Mail me (CmdCorrenH) BEFORE rating. Otherwise have a GREAT day ‘