Got Evader

Title: Got Evader
Author: Clint "GameMaster" Hays
Date: Sep 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objectives(1) Hidden Base

Locations(9) rendezvous point endor indicator yoda's hut chirpa's hut home one docking bya home one war room hoth docking bay hoth war room

Characters(19) obi wan x 3 jedi luke x 3 epp han epp leia x 2 captain han general lando general crix madine chewie of kashyyyk tawws khaa orrimaarko melas cracken blount beezer

Weapons(2) obi's stick luke's stick

Starships(5) home one spiral tantive millennium falcon x 2

Interrupts(11) gift of the mentor signal heading for the frigate sense x 5 alter x 3

Effects(13) bacta tank strike planning insurrection staging areas order to engage battle plan honor of the jedi revolution x 6’

Strategy: ‘

Wake up dumb@#$%s. Just because decree is on the table doesnt mean it will be in effect. Damn. And when’s the last time anybody was seen playing evader? Springtime maybe? This deck is good because nobody is ready for it.

You’re not always revolving 2/0s. Now you get to revolve a 3/0 docking bay.

get 2 generals before you activate.(this can be done twice for all you idiots out there who want to tell me i cant get them at the same time)

let me clarify the strategy section. i cant tell you how to play against every single deck. you have to play by feel. you will generally react to what the opponent does. that’s how this deck works. they put stuff down you put more stuff down and beat it. get it?

look for the docking bay not a system since you got a better chance of finding one. get home one preferably. if not hoth will do. get endor if its there. put crix to the docking bay and pull blount.

turn 2 get the other docking bay and get scouts each turn until there arent any. try to back up crix with somebody.

i cant tell you how to play this deck against every other deck. i havent done it myself. just play it like any other yavin 4/revolution deck. react when you have to. if they get force choked put your guys down and drain. ‘