DBO yes DBO (fun deck)

Title: DBO yes DBO (fun deck)
Author: Andy "Solo337" McClure
Date: Sep 14, 2000 Rating: 4.5



’ Locations (8) Dantooine Rendevous Point Hoth Echo Docking Bay Home One Docking Bay Spaceport Docking Bay Jungle Farm Desert

Characters (12) General Walex Blissex General Crix Madine Incom Engineer EPP Luke x2 Sgt. Bruckman ASP-707 x2 TK-422 Lt. Blount Boussh EPP Obi

Starships (2) Red Leader In Red 1 X-wing

Vehicles (19) Sandspeeder x6 Snowspeeder x6 Rebel Snowspeeder x7

Interrupts (6) T-47 Battle Formation x3 The Signal x2 Heading For The Medical Frigate (starting)

Effects (10) Sandwhirl Mechanical Failure Maneuvering Flaps x2 Incom Corporation Yarna Honor Of The Jedi Insurrection (starting) Staging Areas (starting) Strike Planning (starting)

Devices (2) Landing Claw x2

Objective DBO/MDTYR (heh heh) ‘

Strategy: ‘

Note I am not using any apostrophes, because they are messed up. All apostrophes will be replaced by the word COW.

ThatCOWs right Good, old-fashioned Speeder beats. This deck is SO much fun to play, just to see the look on your opponents face when they see DBO being played by a non-scrub, and watching them read your objective, front and back.

As you can tell, this would more effectively be called DBO fakeout. I only use the objective to give me a good base for T-47 battle formation and subtract 1 from all their drains. Half the time I donCOWt even set up T-47 BF, but just beat them. Usually 1 or 2 battles can end the game. I donCOWt play Draw Their Fire and Frozen @#$%ets, or anything along those lines because, frankly, I donCOWt see a whole lot of Ghhk, and I need all my starting effects and I don’t really have room.

I do, however, always try to flip my objective, and use speeders to keep it flipped, as needed. Subtracing 1 from all force drains is HUGE Just ignore all the squadron crap on the flipside. You should be able to get a 2nd turn flip everygame. Use Strike planning to get to relatively low deploy Rebels (Crix and Walex), and Crix gets a 1 deploy rebel (Sgt. Bruckman), so you can flip for 6 force guaranteed. First turn get your Generals and throw Walex to the Home One docking bay, to boost your generation. Also, get the Desert from reserve and deploy it to Dantooine. If they deploy some guys to the desert, Sandwhirl them away as soon as you can. That alone can win you the game against some decks (like BHBM). If they donCOWt deploy anyone to Dantooine, then you get a 2nd turn flip. 2nd turn, deploy the Farm to Dantooine and the Spaceport docking bay (with Insurrection) and deploy Crix to the Desert, use him to get Bruckman and deploy Bruckman to the Farm. If you have the force, deploy a Sandspeeder (if you have one) to the Docking Bay. In your move phase, DB transit Walex over to the Spaceport docking Bay, flipping you objective, and have him pilot the Sandspeeder. Then move Bruckman to the Desert. Keep in mind that Sandspeeders can move as a react to the desert.

Other than that, we all know the power of speeder beats. Set up Maneuvering flaps and Incom corporation, and they are all 5 and 6 power and deploy for next to nothing. If you want, set up T-47 BF to get big drains, or just beat the crap out of them at all exterior sites.

Why I play the cards I do

Sandwhirl Most people know the power of this in a RalOps deck, and it can be just as good here. Vader missing is HUGE, and itCOWs hard for them to rescue him as long as the Sandwhirl stays on table.

Lt. Blount Spy pilot Crix can pull from reserve. Hurts ISB, 6 forfeit (great for piloting a Speeder), and a cheap back-up character if Bruckman wasnCOWt in the deck when you want to flip.

No Space other than claws I really donCOWt have room for space, and claws block drains and help with Battle Order. I use the X-wing simply because it is cheap.

EPP Luke and Obi Duh Great fighters, and Luke keeps maneuvering Flaps from getting altered. Good for eliminating interior drains.

Boussh and TK Block interior drains.

Mechanical Failure People think Igar in Tempest 1 are safe, but with this and a speeder beat, that can be the game in one move.

Things I would change before playing it in a tournament Add a grabber or 2, and of course SAC protection. I KNOW THIS DECK NEEDS IT Not sure what to drop, but ICOWd definately add a Wise Advice and Do Or Do Not.

I havnCOWt playtested this deck extensively, so I donCOWt know what to do against every DS deck out ther, but so far it is 5-0 against 1600-1700 rated players, which isnCOWt too shabby.

Well, I think thatCOWs about it. Catch you all later-
