Crusade Of Salvation v1 01

Title: Crusade Of Salvation v1 01
Author: Nick "JediBrain" Stefanko
Date: Sep 16, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘LOCATIONS - 5 Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Home One War Room Rendezvous Point

CHARACTERS - 19 Captain Han Solo Chewie With Blaster Rifle Colonel Cracken Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol Leia With Blaster Rifle (x2) Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi Orrimaarko Tycho Celchu Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader Kal’Falnl C’ndros Lando With Blaster Pistol Tawss Khaa ASP-707 (x4) C-3PO

STARSHIPS - 4 Green Squadron 3 Millennium Falcon Red Squadron 1 Tala 1

VEHICLE - 1 Chewie’s AT-ST

WEAPONS - 6 Ewok Catapult (x5) Luke’s Lightsaber

OBJECTIVE - 1 There Is Good In Him/I Can Save Him

ADMIRAL’S ORDER - 1 I’ll Take The Leader

EFFECTS - 13 Battle Plan Draw Their Fire Frozen @#$%ets Honor Of The Jedi I Feel The Conflict Mantellian Savrip (x2) Squadron @#$%ignments Traffic Control What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? (x2) Wise Advice Your Insight Serves You Well

INTERRUPTS - 10 Heading For The Medical Frigate Nabrun Leids On The Edge (x3) Surprise @#$%ault The Signal (x2) Weapon Levitation (x2) ‘

Strategy: ‘

There Is Good In Him/I Can Save Him, Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut, Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight, Luke’s Lightsaber, Endor Landing Platform, I Feel The Conflict, Heading For The Medical Frigate for Your Insight Serves You Well, Wise Advice, and Draw Their Fire

Object of deck Despite the possibility of a first-turn choke, this objective holds its own. For this design, taking that first-turn choke won’t matter; it’s geared more for midgame situations based off of what your opponent deploys. The goal of this deck is to flip and win through conversion of Vader. Mantellian Savrip and Bacta Tank keep your cards on table so that you can be almost fully insured to win battles. The Frozen @#$%ets will help prevent those pesky Ralltiir Ops reacts. Squadron @#$%ignments can help with controlling any systems your opponent deploys. WYTTPOU can nab any bothersome interrupts of your opponent’s. A virtue of this design is versatility. If you’re playing against an all-ground deck, you can save the pilots for ground-pounds and forfeit their starships with the Savrip. If you’re playing against an all-space deck, 4 ships combined with the power of the Savrip can keep them alive. Drawing 7’s for battle destiny is a beautiful thing. This is where the ASPs and the Ewok Catapults come in. Use Weapon Levitation to pull them out of your Used Pile, and then have the ASPs put them on top of your Reserve Deck. With the 7’s for destiny, you should be able to win most (if not all) of the battles you initiate. Chewie’s AT-ST has a purpose in this deck. With its forfeit of 5, if makes for a good Savrip sacrifice. It can power down your opponent’s AT-STs. It prevents your guys on the ground from getting nailed by Always Thinking With Your Stomach. Not too bad shabby. When you see the Premiere C-3PO, you may think it’s junk. No its not. With a Rebel, C-3PO adds 2 to your total power. Dream setup = ECC Chewie + C-3PO -> Power 9 + battle destiny Throw down an extra ASP with 3PO to where you have 2 Rebels, total power + 4, etc. Also, Savrip deploys for free when 3PO on table. I’ll Take The Leader is in just in case your opponent is playing space and/or an Admiral’s Order of their own. Retrieval engine for the deck is Draw Their Fire (which in some cases may work against you) and On The Edge with an ASPed 7 with retrieval of 6 per. ‘