QMC Is it worth playing

Title: QMC Is it worth playing
Author: Johnny "LJ Halfbreed" Grigonis
Date: Sep 17, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘LSQMCRevisited.deck - Mon Sep 18 003734 2000

Light Side (60)

Vehicles (5) V 5 Cloud Car

Starships (15) S Home One S Liberty S Tantive IV S Artoo-Detoo In Red 5 S 4 B-wing Bomber S Blue Squadron B-wing S Millennium Falcon S Tala 1 S 2 Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter S 2 Z-95 Headhunter

Characters (17) C BoShek C 2 Devaronian C Lando With Blaster Pistol C Pucumir Thryss C 3 Ralltiir Freighter Captain C 3 Tibanna Gas Miner C Yoxgit C WED-9-M1 ’Bantha’ Droid C Captain Han Solo C Leia With Blaster Rifle C Luke With Lightsaber C Obi-Wan With Lightsaber

Devices (1) D Rebel Flight Suit

Effects (9) E Bacta Tank E Cloud City Celebration E Do, Or Do Not E Insurrection (start) E Maneuvering Flaps E S-Foils E Staging Areas (start) E Traffic Control E Wise Advice (start)

Interrupts (7) I Heading For The Medical Frigate I 2 The Signal I Fallen Portal I Hyper Escape I Local Defense I Narrow Escape

Unknown Type L Bespin L Bespin Cloud City L Clouds L Cloud City Platform 327 (DB) L Cloud City West Gallery

Objective O QMC/Independent Operation ‘

Strategy: ‘


Hmm? Someone gave me a low rating for them not knowing what a card is saying. The objective card is saying ”Opponent loses no more than 1 force from each of your force drains at Bespin locations ”. That means if you still have all site out and Pucumir and everything, that you can still drain at those sites for 2 or more, BUT opponent does not lose more than 1 per force drain. You drain for 2, but opponent can only lose one. If the opponent has -1 to your drain, then you still drain for one Please read the card before you put up a not very smart comment I will say agian, PLAY the deck if you are not sure how it is to work, ok?

I have been playing the QMC since it came out and can’t get away from it. I am using my horrible addiction to the use of this card to devise new strategy and this is what I come up with.

Basically, I am tailored it to what the opponent brings on the table in first turn. Usually one can tell the type of deck with the effects that are played. I am preferring to use the effects Insurrection, Staging Areas, and the Wise Advice.

With these cards on your table and the game text from QMC, one can easily have 4 total sites on the table, or maybe all if they are having lucky. You have to put down the Bespin and a battleground site (use the indoor site) and the gametext from your effect and your objective say you can put down the docking bay and spend the force to get out your cloud sector (preferably the cloud city sector). That would give you very much force very quickly (8 force). You must be warned Don’t be the greedy one because it is very possible for your enemy to deploy to your sites while he can to ruin your quickness.

Once you have sites on table, try to tell what your opponent is doing so you can prepare to put out more in air or defend more on ground. Also make sure you put enough of characters on the battleground sites to keep L’Empereur from stopping your flipping.

Flipping is nice, but not necessarry. Using the gametext from your cloud sector, your gas miner, and your Pucumir, you can still get a 3 total force drain on your opponent if he has an objective that is flipped and gives you -1.

Until you get settled in your playing style, use the techniques from your Fallen Portal, your Narrow Escape, and your Hyper Escape. If you have all sites out, and even all of your gas miners, you can activate the very much force of 16 If they have no -1 flipped, you can also drain for 8 As you can see, it is very good for giving force and taking force away.

Watch out for the Zuckuss He can get you if you are spread too thin I try to put out my cloud cars and z-95s to the cloud sector, Home One and some others to the Bespin, and the rest to the Cloud City sector. If your opponent is playing the SAC, use the signal to get your Do or Do Not If your opponent is playing air, get your S-foils If your opponent is playing the ground battling, use Manouevering Flaps If they are playing much in the way of attrition, get your Bacta Tank You must ALWAYS try to understand what your opponent is doing. Be warned if your enemy is keeping big stack of force Your runaway cards are your best friend Since they cannot surprise you with the Elis Helrot, you can runaway If you plan to do this, REMEMBER to save your force for moving

If you use your aliens on your ships, you can add ability, use the text on the flip of QMC, and you can put your rebel flight suit on them Use an alien on a b-wing with s-foils and your rebel flight suit, and your total is 8 plus the destiny All for just 3 cards If the bacta tank is out, you can then get rid of the alien there, and still keep your ship The droid can save you from the lateral damage. Usually you can out drain or out last your opponent as long as you keep your runaway cards in your hand and keep force so you can run away if you need to

One problem. The deck known as Sienar Systems can get you good if you don’t pay attention. So… PAY ATTENTION Concentrate on keeping your objective flipped and your sites and sectors strong. ALWAYS keep big people on the system or they will flip you. Tallon roll can hurt too, but I don’t know what to do here with that.

Please feel free to comment on the deck. If you hate the deck, then just say ’I hate your deck’ and don’t bother with anything else. If you can add some advice, please to tell it to me This deck is very good, but does not look good on the screen, you must actually PLAY it I have tried very hard to make this deck different and unique and fun to play so try it.

Thank you

In the end, remember

Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose ‘