Old School New Setup

Title: Old School New Setup
Author: Luca "Luca/Tzizvvt" Costanzo
Date: Sep 18, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) Local Uprising/Liberation (Starting)

Locations (8) Ralltiir (Starting) Farm (Starting) Spaceport Docking Bay Forest Home One Docking Bay Hoth Docking Bay Spaceport Street Jungle

Characters (17) (6) Ralltiir Operative (2) Ishi Tib (2) Captain Han Solo Cloud City Technician H’nemthe Baragwin Lieutenant Blount Luke Skywalker Leia With Gun Obi-Wan With Lightsaber

Ships (2) Milennium Falcon Artoo In Red 5

Devices (1) Landing Claw

Interrupts (9)

(3) Nar Shadaa Windchimes (2) Signal Heading For That Medical Frigate (Starting) Lost In The Wilderness (2) Rebel Barrier

Effects (11) Insurrection (Starting) Squadron @#$%ignments (Starting) Staging Areas (Starting) Draw Their Fire Frozen @#$%ets (2) Manoeuvring Flaps Honor Of The Jedi Wise Advice Mechanical Failure I Hope She’s Alright

Vehicles (11) (4) Rebel Snowspeeder (3) Sandspeeder (4) Snowspeeder ‘

Strategy: ‘

Basic Play

Pull docking bays and <> sites each turn. Put Ishi-Tibs and operatives at your docking bays in the first few turns so that you can activate more force as well as cycle through your deck quickly and avoid Monnok. Flip, and try not to deploy more sites than you need to so that your opponent is forced to go to somewhere where you have guys in order to use Sarkli or Leave Them To Me. Barrier whatever they deploy and then beat it down next turn. Put ops in cars whenever possible to stop weapons/tramples (not that anyone would play stuff like that). Get Luke in Ship and Han in ship to Ralltiir in order to fulfil Battle Order (don’t forget that they deploy cheap to the docking bay and take off for free). If they deploy Imperial Decree, you can grab the landing claw, Nar Shaddaa for the Baragwin and attach a ship to one of their caps so that you can chase, detach, negate Decree and attach again. Try and get your effects early.

Fundamental Theories

-To utilise Sarkli or Leave Them To Me, they must deploy to somewhere where you can beat them down.

-Early game generation comes from reserve, for consistency.

-Ishi-Tibs, signal and NSWC enable you access to important components and silver bullets.

-A lot of light decks aren’t this pro-active, therefore it will be unexpected.

-Cars stop trample, guns, sniper etc.

-Barrier + NSWC = destiny of 9 to go with beatdown next turn.

-By not relying on mains, crap like weapons, duelling, Mii’yoom Onith etc. doesn’t hurt you so much.

-To negate drain -1 and be able to out-drain you, they must spread, so you beatdown.


Well, the theory here is that, in order to be able to cause you Your Destiny damage, they have to put Vader at a battleground, and you pound the living crud out of him. If you get out HOTJ, they have to occupy 3 BGs in order to hurt you much with YD. Do you seriously think that they can do that without exposing them to a beatdown?

Vs. Ralltiir Ops

Should be a bye. Go ahead and deploy sites. They’ll convert. You grab CC Engineer and convert back. Deploy your H’nemthe. They now have the same drawback as you. The street is there to enable you to get about 6 or so sites to Ralltiir. The more sites on Ralltiir, the easier the game is for you. If they put guys at the swamp, convert it and smash them because they can’t react. Basically, old-skool Ralltiir vs. Ralltiir was in favour of the DS because they choked light and converted their sites. The CC Engineer and the DB/Staging Areas negates this. Mechanical Failure is huge. If they put down the man in black, leave him alone and then LiTW him.

Vs. Hunt Down

Get out HOTJ as soon as possible, then proceed as normal. Keep Luke/Obi out of sight and they can’t be duelled. You can use Baragwin/Claw to help slow down damage if they’re draining at interior sites. Worst comes to worst, put down Blount at the Holotheatre and cancel Visage. Note if Vader goes to the farm, you LiTW him.

Vs. ISB Ops

If it’s a drop-and-drain style ISB deck, you can flip them back with Blount and out-drain them as well as a potential beatdown. If it’s a slower, more control oriented deck, you need to keep them flipped back with Blount and just keep draining. If they try to leave you alone and just leave the droid on Ralltiir, use LiTW to cancel your own drain and make it go missing. Evacuate your docking bays early, as they can deploy there with ease.

Vs. Ties

Use your good judgement here. You must get Obi with stick to their docking bay with some fodder to be able to keep killing the old dude and forcing them to pay too. Hold back your ships and just pay to drain (they’ll give you force if they’re trying to drain you). Note that their drains will be -1 when you flip. Deploy your ships late game if you feel that they’re out of stuff to beatdown with. I Hope She’s Alright should tip the balance in your favour.

Vs. Court

Wait before you put stuff in space, ’cause they get their ships from reserve. Try to get both Luke and Han in space together, with Leia in hand so that you can a) avoid Zuck and b) beatdown next turn. Either ignore court damage, or deploy HOTJ.

Vs. Anything Else

Cause more damage than they do, then smash their stuff that tries to stop you.

Some Explanations

2 Han, 1 Falcon because if they fight you you’ll forfeit Han first. 1 Obi, Luke, Leia- These are just my toys. You can find them quickly with m@#$% activation and Ishi-Tibs. Feel free to replace the Leia with something if it’s necessary. Note that you do actually cycle through your deck fairly quickly, thanks to the Ishi-Tibs. The Ishi-Tibs also enable you to rig effectively. Only 11 cars because I honestly couldn’t fit any more in. You only realistically need four to beatdown, if you Barrier then Nar Shadaa (to rig a 4 and a 5). That’s about power 30 right there. I’d love to have room for more cars, but there’s nothing that I feel I can take out.

Reviewer Responses

DavCJ- You’re an idiot.

Good luck,



Quote of The Day

”I owe Sam $100 if Britney Spears walks through that door.”

-Lobba ‘