Title: Masturbation DONE RIGHT AKA TIGIH
Author: Alex "george3785" George
Date: Sep 18, 2000 Rating: 4.0



’ Starting (10) There Is Good In Him / I Can Save Him Luke Skywalker JN Luke’s Saber Endor Chirpa’s Hut Endor DB I Feel the Conflict Heading for the Medical Frig Draw Their Fire Staging Areas Insurrection

Locations (5) Tatooine Docking Bay Hoth Docking Bay Endor Back Door Kessel CC Downtown Plaza

Characters (3) Boushh Tk422 Jedi Luke

Vehicles (17) Sandspeeder x5 Snowspeeder x5 Rebel Snowspeeder x5

Starships (11) x-wing x8 Red Squadron x-wing x3

Interrupts (5) Signal x3 All wings report in x2

Effects (9) Honor of the Jedi Incom Corporation x2 Maneuvering Flaps x2 Yarna Dal gargan x2 Mechanical Failure Traffic Control S-Foils x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This Deck is rather good. It uses the x wings and speeders to help you win battles and some retrieval. You should start by pulling the docking bays and then getting out incom corporation and maneuvering flaps. you should then set up some speeders at docking bays for activation and maybe luke at the endor docking bay. the spies are in there to cancel whatever drains opponent has and the extra luke is their for the obvious reasons. then set up your x wings at kessel or deploy them and battle. you should do the same with the speeders. Now on to the matchups.

Vs. Huntdown Get out honor as fast as possible. then when he deploys vader wreck him with the speeders. if he goes to the hut, deploy boushh there to stop his drains.

vs. bhbm hard game. set up speeders at docking bays and force drain. win some battles and try to turn vader. this will be tough.

vs. ties spread out on the ground and drain. then send your x wings up to destroy his ties.

that is the only popular matchups around now adays. i dont really need sac because no one plays it in my area, as well as monnok. this is a great variation of this deck and it works like a machine. i hope you like it and will give me any help on what i should add. thanks

alex ‘