Endor Mind Games do not be fooled

Title: Endor Mind Games do not be fooled
Author: John "Parn12" Digiovanni
Date: Sep 20, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) Endor Operations/This Side Doesn’t Matter

Locations (7) Endor (S) Endor Bunker (S) Endor Landing Platform (S) Endor Back Door Endor Ewok Village Endor Forest Clearing Endor Dark Forest

Characters (17) General Veers Colonel Davod Jon Lieutenant Watts Commander Igar Dengar With Blaster Carbine AT-ST Pilot x3 Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Admiral Chiraneau Captain Godherdt Major Marquand Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Admiral Piett Lieutenant Arnet Lord Vader Grand Moff Tarkin

Starships (6) Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Avenger Flagship Executor Vengeance Devastator Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Combat Vehicles (9) Tempest 1 Tempest Scout x3 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6

Interrupts (5) Prepared Defenses (S) Hot Pursuit x2 Hutt Smooch x2

Effects (12) You Cannot Hide Forever (S) Perimeter Patrol Presence of the Force x2 Expand The Empire Search And Destroy Battle Order Establish Secret Base Resistance Leave Them To Me Reactor Terminal Imperial Arrest Order

Weapons (2) Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Admiral’s Orders (1) We’re In Attack Position Now ‘

Strategy: ‘

I posted a rough form of this deck some time ago, and only got one rating, though I was pleasantly pleased with it. I’ve gotten to get some good play testing going and I certainly like what I saw. The changes aren’t to profound, more just to give me a little more flexibility and perhaps some form of defense (hey, offense isn’t always the best defense ) ). Anyways, same deal as the last time, with the basic idea and all. Get out to your sites, if you expand any site make sure you expand the Forest Clearing (this could be a life saver). There’s been games that I’ve had AT-STs without pilot characters contributing a total of 5 power (Tempest Scout 5 + expanded Forest Clearing), not to mention both of these cards effect Tempest 1 too, turn Igar and Tempest 1 into an even nastier monster… practically power 11 with 2 destiny draws. Don’t always rely on the power combos of the deck Marquand and Watts, Igar in Tempest 1… if you can’t get them fast, just do what you can with what you have, you can always swap pilots later. Anyways, I’ve been getting good consistant drains of 3+ at 3+ sites on Endor, there’s only so much a person can handle until the break. I’ve never bothered to do the Establish Secret Base deal yet, but then again its never really mattered much (though a nice force drain of 5 or 6 can be harmful for your opponent too).

Let me discuss a few of the strategies behind this deck. First off, you’re not playing to control space… most of the time forget space, let your opponent have it Kinda funny for an Endor Ops deck, huh? This deck deals with the ground better than anything, just zoom down there and level your opponent with an expanded Forest Clearing (FD +1 here, all your combat vehicles are +1 power here). Its the best one to expand, though you could expand something else like the Dark Forest (FD+1 if you’re imperial is here). Don’t expand the Ewok village, that site is just in there for an easy FD 2 (3 under an expand), but you can’t have your AT-STs there, which really hurts you more than anything. If you’re going to play to kick in perimeter patrol, make sure you occupy the back door if it is out… I really don’t worry too much about Perimeter Patrol, I took Ephant Mon out, its just in there to play if I draw it and the mood strikes me to.. its a lowsy force drain to commit so many people to holding the site down from spies+beat down. We’re In Attack Position Now… 1) Commander Occupation (Igar and Veers) 2) Immunity > 4 for everything aside from Zuckuss 3) Piett, Chiraneau, or any other number of Imperial prep pilots are -1 or -2 abord SDs. Search and Destroy Only play this if your opponent is hiding at nonbattle grounds or running space, and you let him have it, or if you just wiped all his characters out at battlegrounds. This deck also has reactibility (AT-STs, just be careful, Scout 3 only reacts to a Forest or Endor site, and Scouts 1 and 6 react for free). Eloms are easilly manhandled pilots on vehicles aren’t at the site, therefore do not trigger Elom text, and you can react onboard a vehicle when he initiates a battle, so get them all onboard hiding. Scramble is rarely played these days, but do it the same way as Eloms, get them piloting something or sitting around on Tempest 1, you can knock this out in 1 turn easily. Don’t overdeploy, be watchful of who is where and what they are doing. Only people who really do anything noteworthy on the ground are Dengar, Fett, Vader, and Mara, the rest are just pilots to go out joy riding.

Starting Flexibility here, always start out with You Cannot Hide Forever, then you have Battle Order, Resistance, Insurrection, and Leave Them to Me to choose from, choose wisely against the deck you are playing, leave the rest for good destinies, sometimes you’ll just start out with You Cannot Hide Forever.

Deck Specific Strategies

Numbers Easy, don’t sac You Cannot Hide Forever to get a different effect. Case closed.

Power Just watch out for Chewie’s Bowcaster, that thing can pop Tempest 1 fairly easily and turns your AT-STs into blue goo. Everything else… they should have a fair amount of problems doing much to you, as a majority of your characters and forfeit just happen to be aboard vehicles and therefore immune to lightsabers and blasters. I may toss wounded wookie in a little down the road to cancel decks that use interrupts to get a billion destiny draws, but I’ll do that when it becomes neccessary. Try to shrink away from your opponent, stick to your ground and take the drains he lets you have. Don’t get detered if you lose a battle, there’s pleanty of black and blue to go around. This would be the one time I’d consider getting Perimeter Patrol out.

Operatives snicker Just Leave Them To Me… start with it, show the lightside why they’re dead… and you way want to stomp him down good one time for grins. Typically Establish Secret Base is good in this game, Operatives are usually too busy on the ground to have strong space, strong enough to deal with you.

HB Lay off of space, wait for him to flip, then get a good little squad of ships up there and probe him down. X-Wing cannons aren’t a problem, they can only target Zuckuss, so just don’t deploy him, no sense in doing it. Power Pivot kinda still makes those Cannons a problem, but take it as it comes, variety in starships is the best suggestion I can give you against these. Your main focus should be the Objective though.

EBO Start Resistance, get down to your sites and then toss You Cannot Hide Forever to get Search And Destroy. Lure him out to the 4th marker and then grin, his ice storms are useless. Go give him a good pounding.

Honor of the Jedi Just have to toss this in here, everyone thinks its so tough, but it really doesn’t harm this deck in the least.. if you REALLY wanna S&D/Admiral’s Orders him, get down to your sites, gotta be there anyways.

Profit Same as power, let him have Han and the Audience chamber, let him Bo Shuda it if he really wants to, more effectiveness to S&D. Keep focused and plan accordingly. If its Eloms, follow the Elom strategy, if its power follow the power strategy… if its both.. hmm, well just follow both then (they’re basically the same ) ).

Training Haven’t tested it, just get out and drain (even though he’ll kill mods), use PotF, S&D, and get on Endor (still a drain of 2) so you can kick out his Battle Plan. I should probably put in a Secret Plans to thwart Training and Profit a little, but that’s down the road too. Start with Resistance always You never know if he’ll be playing that AFA crap, don’t want to get caught with your pants down.

TIGIH Groan Play hide-n-seek with Luke on your vehicles, don’t let him blitz you with that 2 loss every turn cause you can’t get Vader. Play the deck like its supposed to be played and tell him “Sorry, daddy doesn’t want to play.”

Did I miss anything? Ah well, if I did tough, figure it all on your own, you’re all smart people (for the most part). And before you start complaining… I don’t have tramples, I don’t want to see any snide remarks about putting them in. ‘