f u c k i n g cloud city

Title: f u c k i n g cloud city
Author: Geoff "gsiva" Snider
Date: Sep 21, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘locations (10) ccupper plaza corridor (sl) ccguest quarters (sl) ccbeer garden (downtown plaza) cccarbonite chamber cclower corridor cccore tunnel ccwest gallery ccchasm walkway ccnorth corridor ccincinerator

interrupts (11) the signal x3 careful planning (si) path of least resistance x2 it’s a phil x2 (it’s a trap you jackass) houjix noble sacrifice rebel barrier

effects (9) insurrection draw their fire undercover x5 uncontrollable phil (FURY you f a g) order to engage

devices (2) landing claw x2

starships (2) yt3000 transport gold squadron y-wing

characters (26) epp obiwan x2 epp luke x2 epp leia epp han bousch tk-422 chewbacca ecc lando dutch red leader biggs darklighter derek “hobbie” klivian dak ralter wes janson col. cracken lt. blount commander vanden willard commander evram lajaje wyron serper toryn farr momaw nadon jeroen web pucumir thryss x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

strategy is cool…so you sit at the upper 1/0 site and throw down some monkeys…then you spread out in one turn once you get all your guys out and then drain the sh1t out of them…they’ll never expect it.

claws are for decree/battle order signal first for insurrection initiate 5 battles/turn and you’ll come out on top after they spread out to stop your super drain INDOORS heh

hooptie ‘