There Is Good In Ewoks v 3 1

Title: There Is Good In Ewoks v 3 1
Author: Eric "YOYOY" Bailey
Date: Sep 22, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (10) There Is Good In Him/I Can Save Him Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Luke’s Lightsaber Endor Landing Platform I Feel The Conflict Heading For The Medical Frigate Staging Areas Strike Planning Your Insight Serves You Well

Locations (5) Endor Back Door Endor Ewok Village Endor Hidden Forest Trail Endor Dense Forest Endor Rebel Landing Site (Forest)

Characters (30) Ewok Sentry x9 Ithorian x3 Kazak Graak Romba Logray Teebo Wuta Wicket Chief Chirpa Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk Daughter Of Skywalker General Crix Madine General Solo Orrimarko Major Panno Obi-Wan With Lightsaber Leesub Sirln Figrin Dan Wioslea

Weapons (1) Anakin’s Lightsaber

Effects (9) Honor Of The Jedi Bargaining Table Bacta Tank Wise Advice Lightsaber Proficiency Reflection Traffic Control Ultimatum Yarna d’al’ Gargan

Interrupts (5) Houjix The Signal x2 Nar Shadaa Wind Chimes x2

60 cards


Strategy: ‘

V. 3.1 UPDATE I just corrected some spelling errors, and made some strategy changes. Apparently, I still had strategy for cards not in the deck. Anyway, I fixed that, so if you noticed it before you shouldn’t notice it now.

V. 3.0 UPDATE Again, I’d like to thank all the people who gave me advice for the previous versions. This deck has had many remakes, hopefully climaxing to this version, the best. I took out Yoda Stew and Endor Celebration. This changes the deck a lot more than you’d think. One thing I didn’t like about Stew and Celebration was that they had to be used at certain times. Not a lot of freedom there. So now the activations less, but I’ve made up for it with speed. I added another The Signal and another Nar Shadaa Wind Chimes. The Chimes get Ithorians quicker, this leads to more activation and more drains. This replaces Stew well. Higher destiny, same effect (more activation), and more to drains is a nice bonus. I took out Ewok Celebration because you have to use it during your control phase. This isn’t too bad, but still, it’s restricting. The Signal is more useful, being able to get the awesome Effects out quicker. Both of these Interrupts are recyclable destiny 5s, which is great. They both also have 2 functions, another good thing. They speed up the deck a lot, to make up for the loss of the activation with Stew and Celebration. Response to remarks

  1. I added another Chimes and Signal. Thanks for this tip, it helps the deck a lot.
  2. Imperial Decree doesn’t hurt too much. Remember; Ithorians add an icon, which isn’t a modifier, so it isn’t canceled be Decree. The drains are plenty enough with Decree, it isn’t that big of a deal.
  3. There isn’t enough room in the deck for space. I don’t need space. It’s as simple as that. Battle Order doesn’t hurt considering the activation. They can drain in space all they want, I can cancel the drains and retrieve the Force I do lose. Again, thanks for all the info, I really appreciate it

V. 2.3 UPDATE I’d like to thank all the people who rated the last version, for all the tips you gave me. To those of you who rated the previous version

  1. DVDLOTS isn’t as much of a problem as you’d think. That’s what Houjix and Bacta Tank are for. Even with his saber, I have sabers too. If he slashes an Ewok, I can slash him. If he comes battling me, I can easily move several Ewok Sentries as a react for free. This adds plenty to my power and forfeit, so he’s really not that big of a problem.
  2. I added Wise Advice. A big help, considering the amount of Interrupts and Effects that can be canceled with Sense and Alter.
  3. I took out a character, Threepio. I figured Wise Advice did more for the deck. Yeah, Threepio could add to attrition and forfeit to Used Pile and all that… but Wise Advice protects the things that are more important. Plus, Wise Advice has higher destiny, so the overall destiny of the deck went up.
  4. Also added more strategy for BHBM.

V. 2.1 UPDATE Took out Ewok Rescue for Bacta Tank. Ewok Rescue wasn’t working the way I wanted it to. I figured what’s the point of moving Ewoks for free as a react if the Sentries can already do that?? Bacta Tank is awesome, and you’ll be activating plenty enough Force to keep it going. Nice for all battles, and also very nice with Bargaining Table. See Bacta Tank’s strategy below. I know the deck is only one card different, but it makes a big difference, trust me.

V. 2.0 UPDATE Took out Rabin for Figrin Dan. Rabin didn’t do much for the deck, there’s enough unique Ewoks without him. More on Figrin below.

Took out Lumat for Wioslea. Lumat didn’t do much for the deck, like Rabin. Like I said, I have enough unique Ewoks already. I just need maybe one unique Ewok at each site. Wioslea has mad tech potential. I know you’re curious about this, so read Wioslea’s strategy below.

Added the fact that the Rebel Landing Site is a forest.


 This deck doesn’t need to flip to win. You’ll be activating tons of Force and draining for tons more. You’ll also have some decent retrieval, and if they ever come to Endor you can respond with a big Ewok beatdown. I know there’s several cards in there that you’re probably wondering about, so let me explain my choices for cards in the deck.

Staging Areas/Strike Planning/Your Insight Serves You Well I start with these so I get plenty of activation at the docking bay and so I can get Crix and/or Han my first turn. You can also sacrifice YISYW to get honor Of The Jedi on your first turn.

Ewok Sentries These guys are awesome. Deploy for only 1 and they can get pretty powerful. They can also deploy as a react, and move as a react for free A very nice bonus. Just spread these guys out with some unique Ewoks and you can always react for free with a bunch of Sentries. Or deploy some as a react for even more fun.

Ithorians These guys add 1 icon to each side. So you activate more and you can drain for more. Keep in mind that their text is not a modifier, so it can’t be canceled with Decree or other cards.

Major Panno Activating 4 more Force every turn is very fun. This only adds to all your added icons and Interrupts that let you get more Force.

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber His power is nice, and a built-in stick helps with card economy. He provides a nice backup to the Ewoks. Or as a point man for those beatdowns.

Leesub Sirln Nobody uses her, yet she’s so cool. First thing is that destiny of 4. Always nice. Then her text.

Once each turn during your control phase, may use 1 Force to guess a card type and point to a card in opponent’s hand. Card must be shown. If guessed correctly, card is lost.

This can be deadly. I’ve used her to get rid of Dark Deal, Cloud City Occupation, and Mara Jade… in the same game Making the opponent lose an extra Force every turn is always cool. Not to mention getting rid of that one key card in their hand. Even if you’re wrong, you still get to look at the card.

Anakin’s Lightsaber On Leia, adds 1 to drain. Draining for more should never be underestimated. Also nice in a battle.

Bargaining Table With Ewok Sentries and Ithorians you can cancel lots of drains per game. And even if they cancel the Effect, you can deploy those guys onto the table for free. Great Effect. Also very nice with Bacta Tank, see it’s strategy below.

Lightsaber Proficiency Adding 3 to power and 1 to drain is very good. Also pretty versatile, being able to deploy on Leia, Luke, or Obi-Wan, and having a good destiny.

Reflection Retrieval. Plain and simple. Retrieving one per turn may not sound like much, but it adds up. 5 turns = 5 Force retrieved, 10 turns = 10 Force, etc.

Figrin Dan Retrieval again. There is a chance that the opponent will retrieve with this, but most of the time (if not all of the time) you’ll be the one retrieving. This plus Reflection and Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes gives you plenty of retrieval. One more Force may not sound like much, but again, it really adds up.

Ultimatum Reducing opponent’s drains can be crucial, especially against decks like ISB, Endor Ops, SYCFA, TDIGWATT, etc.

Yarna d’al’ Gargan Protect those Sentries from Monnok. Monnok can potentially be a nightmare without Yarna.

The Signal Get Effects out as quick as you can. Reflection, Traffic Control, Ultimatum, and Yarna are better the earlier you get them out. Being a Used Interrupt with a destiny of 5 isn’t too bad either.

Nar Shadaa Wind Chimes Both functions are really good. The first one lets you get out Ithorians faster so you can activate and drain for more. Or use it to get Sentries later in the game. The second part should be used when there’s at least 6 Sentries on the table. Then feel free to retrieve. Or if you’re lucky you might be able to retrieve 9 Force. The addition of a second Chimes makes big retrieval easier. And don’t forget the destiny 5.

Wioslea Oh yeah, the Vuvrian herself. First of all, she’s female, so she’s immune to M’iiyoom Onith. Then, she’s destiny 5. Extremely good for a character… pretty good for any card. Deploy 1, forfeit 2, power 2, ability 1. Not bad for the deploy. But her text is where she really shines.

During your control phase, may use 1 Force to target an opponent’s unoccupied transport vehicle or droid present. Draw destiny. If destiny > target’s destiny number, use Force equal to target’s deploy cost to ’purchase’ target (use as if stolen).

You won’t be purchasing vehicles. But then there’s droids. First there’s 5D6-RA7, that pesky ISB agent. ISB decks usually equip (or should equip) this droid to make your drains -1 without any other people on Endor. Just purchase him. Then there’s U-3PO. Yes, U-3PO. Used in a wide variety of decks, this droid can basically cancel one of your drains every turn. No more. Now you can just purchase him with Wioslea. It may not be foolproof, and it may require some skill, but it can work much to your advantage.

Kazak Adds 1 to drains where you have an Ewok. That would be everywhere. Get this guy out ASAP if you want to have truly massive drains.

Graak Light Side Mosep. Makes your drains slice into their Reserve deck. We all know how bad that can be. This guy can be the difference in a game.

Romba Activates one more Force every turn for each site with an Ewok at it. This guy happens to be a unique Ewok, and a scout. Keep in mind that this furry little dude can be fetched with Madine, and can lead to super activation.

Logray and Teebo These guys go together really well. Together they add 2 to the forfeit of each of your Ewoks and add 1 to battle destiny where you have an Ewok. Adding 1 to battle destiny isn’t exactly awesome, but decent nonetheless. Their real strength is adding 2 to the forfeit of your Ewoks. Those Sentries can be forfeit 7 under ideal conditions. These guys are also unique of course, so don’t be afraid to move those super Sentries over as a react for free as a nice surprise when the opponent battles. I can’t stress the power of Sentries enough.

Wicket In battles he can exclude an opponent’s character by drawing destiny > ability. Extremely handy. Not to mention that he can be fetched by Madine.

Chief Chirpa The chief himself. Can deploy Sentries from Reserve. Set him at the Hidden Forest Trail, deploy Sentries, and send them wherever they’re needed. Also helps to retrieve more with Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes.

Bacta Tank This card rocks. It can potentially save several lives during a single game. Your Sentries jump in, come out, and re-deploy for 2 Force. And since their forfeits can get really high, all the better to forfeit them multiple times during a game. This card is also cool with Bargaining Table. You see, once you lose a Sentry from table, it goes to the Tank. Then you can take it into hand. But you don’t have to re-deploy it yet You can keep it in your hand to use with Bargaining Table What this means is that one Sentry can cancel several drains per game. Extremely cool.

 Assuming your opponent gives you 2 Force, on your first turn get Crix. Deploy Crix to the docking bay. Use Crix to get Chewie. Use Chewie to deploy Wuta for free. Move Luke to docking bay. On the following turns use Wuta to get sites and control those sites with Ewoks. Get Kazak and some Ithorians out for major drains. Get Romba and Major Panno out for major activation. Use Yoda Stew, Staging Areas, Major Panno, and Daughter Of Skywalker for even more activation. Use Anakin’s Lightsaber and Lightsaber Proficiency for even more drains. The deck is better if you stay on Endor because those Ewoks are no good anywhere else. If you’re brave you could try invading their territory with General Han and Orrimarko. But I would suggest staying on Endor, draining for a whole lot, and canceling their drains with the Table. Also use Ultimatum to reduce their drains. You may’ve noticed the lack of starships. Well, I figured I didn’t need them. I think it’s best for this deck just to concentrate on the ground. Battle Order isn’t a problem with all the Force you’re activating. The Objective is there just so I start with lots of activation while only giving the opponent one icon, and so I can start draining with Luke right away. He can just get captured, yeah, but I don’t really need Luke to win. Just use the huge activation to set up huge drains and the decent retrieval to pull out a victory. I use Ewoks instead of Eloms because Ewoks deploy for less, can be just as powerful, and can react, for free nonetheless. Not to mention all the Ewok support cards. Here’s some match-ups.

Vs. Hunt Down Get Honor out first turn and move Luke to the docking bay, hopefully before they can flip. Protect Luke as much as you can. Keep Obi, Luke, and Leia together. Keep Ewoks at the adjacent sites. Be prepared for them to battle, and be prepared to move Sentries as a react and use Ewok Rescue.

Vs. RallOps Just stick to Endor and drain. The -1 to your drains shouldn’t really matter, since you can Force drain for at least 4 at multiple sites. They’ll be battling so remember to move those Sentries as a react for free. RallOps might be your biggest threat, but you could pull out a win.

Vs. Bring Him Before Me Let Luke get captured. The 7 side of their Objective hurts them for 1 every turn. Drain quickly and heavily. They should be looking at major Force loss every turn. Don’t worry about them dueling you, it won’t be a problem with Honor + retrieval. Just don’t let them win battles. Be sure not to spread out too thin, and if they battle, react with all you’ve got. You can’t afford to let them win too many battles. If necessary, you may only need to stay at one site. But you can drain for like 4-6, retrieve cards, and use Leesub for more Force loss at that one site. Resistance isn’t much of a problem either… if they spread out, you can spread out. Just hang in there and you can pull off a win. And if they win, it probably won’t be by much.

Vs. TIEs I’ve never had a problem with TIEs. Just spread out and drain for as much as you can while retrieving. Their retrieval shouldn’t matter too much if you drain fast enough. Try to start your drains before they start retrieving. You should be able to win easily.

Vs. Court Get Honor out and start draining. The direct damage won’t exist and you should be able to out-drain them and win. An easy win, if you play smart.

TDIGWATT This is a drain race. Get Honor, Ultimatum, and Bargaining Table out ASAP. Drain quickly and furiously. Retrieve as much as possible. Don’t go to Cloud City. You’ll get slaughtered. Another tough match-up, but possible.

Endor Ops Don’t let them get Rumors out. If they do get it out, cancel it quickly. Don’t let them flip. If this deck is a problem in your area, you may want to add some defense against the AT-STs or speeder bikes. Otherwise, just try to drain. Don’t battle them. If they battle you, react with all you’ve got.

ISB Ops This deck can be a bad match too, since they can get started just as fast as you can. This can also be a drain race. Ultimatum helps, as does Bargaining Table. Retrieve and drain. If they battle you, just react. Don’t try too much to disrupt their deck, e.g. don’t go slicing up their agents. Wioslea can help.

SYCFA I’ve encountered a couple different versions of this deck. Basically, for each of them get the Table and Ultimatum out ASAP. Drain and retrieve. Don’t let them get set up before you do, or you’ll die.

 Have you noticed that for each match-up the strategy’s almost the same? This is because this deck is very non-interactive. Don’t try to disrupt their strategy, just stick to draining for as much as possible. Feel free to battle on Endor, but stay on Endor. Like I said before, this deck doesn’t need to flip or turn Vader to win. '