Probed Ralltiir

Title: Probed Ralltiir
Author: Joe "Prophit" Gold
Date: Sep 23, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting(6) RO/ITHOTE Ralltiir Prepared Defences Imperial Decree Imperial Arrest Order Mobilization Points

Locations(8) Spaceport Docking Bay Jungle Forest Swamp Death Star II Docking Bay Executor Docking Bay Hoth Defensive Perimiter Rendili

Characters(19) Lord Vader Darth Vader With Lightsaber Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Grand Moff Tarkin Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle DS-61-4 Sim Aloo Lieutenant Arnet Jodo Cast Mosep General Veers Admiral Piett Lieutenant Commander Ardan Bane Malar Probe Droid x7

Starships(6) Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Chimaera Stalker Devastator Dominator Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser

Vehicles(3) Blizzard Walker Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 2

Weapons(2) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber (not DS2 one)

Effects(7) Battle Order Come Here You Big Coward Secret Plans There’ll Be To Pay Undercover

Interrupts(9) Imperial Barrier Alter You Are Beaten Monnok x2 Abysin Ornament x2 Probe Telementry

Strategy: ‘

Yah I know probe droids. The idea came to me that maybe Probe Droids with there spy ability and high forfiet could work in a RalOps deck. Use IAO and Mobilization Points to get some force activation. Use Mobilization Points to get out Rendili. Start out by getting a SD to Ralltiir. Put some Droids down with some imperials. Once Ralltiir is fortified you can deploy and battle elsewhere. Use probe telementry to get rid of some non-unique cards (like eloms). Also use Abysin Ornament for force retrieval. Another thing in here is that Stalker is your most valuble SD so place it wisely. If your having trouble on Ralltiir put it there if you are ready for on offensive deploy him there. Just one thing, don’t judge this because it is different than most RalOps decks. Think about it for a while. ‘