Gangstas Paradise

Title: Gangstas Paradise
Author: Alexander "Black Leader" Schwarz
Date: Sep 24, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (8) JP-Audience Chamber JP-Great Pit of Carcoon JP-Dungeon JP-Rancor Pit Tattoine Cantina Tattoine (System) Death Star Death Star II War Room

Characters (18) Chall Bekan Cloud City Engineer Boelo Jabba (SE) x 2 Mara Jade x 2 Dr. Evazan Iggy with Gun x 2 4-Lom with Gun Dengar with Gun x 2 Bane Malar Boba Fett (Cloud City) Ephant Mon Gailid Brangus Glee

Creatures (2) Rancor x 2

Weapons (1) Maras Saber

Starships (3) Bubba in Slave One Bossk in Bus Buzzeyes in Misthunta

Interrupts (16) Prepared Defenses Trapdoor x 3 Oota - Goota, Solo ? Projective Telepathy Hutt Smooch Sniper Barrier x 2 Ghkk Masta Move Operational as Planned None Shall Pass Omni Box Twilek Advisor

Effects (11) All Wrapped Up (s) No Bargain (s) Oppressive Enforcement (s) Secret Plans Security Precautions Search & Destroy Come here, you big Coward Battle Order Tattoine Occupation Presence of the Force Hell to pay

Objectives (1) Court of the Vile Gangsta … ‘

Strategy: ‘

Setup Pull your ships each turn, fortify the Audience Chamber asap and get S & V on the table.

Capture the opposition with your hunters, while retrieving as much as possible . Feed the captives to the Rancor.

Eventually setup S & D and the Occupation.

That and some drains should do him in.


Profit Use Chall Bekan and Boelo as your starting Aliens. Pull your Engineer first turn to convert the chamber. Depending on how much resistance you meet, you can deploy either Jabba or Mara Jade and her weapon from Reserve. Use Iggy to capture Han, when he is freed and feed him to the Rancor. Since Profit Decks have only a small battery of ships, you can drop your three vessels on tattoine and get the occupation out and running to finish him off.

If Order to Engage tech is common in your area, pull the Omni Box for Pointman or include Blast Door Controls.

MWYHL Start with Secret Plans instead of Oppressive Enforcement. Setup Search and Destroy asap. Get your other battlegrounds out, to get by Honor, and the system to get by BattlePlan .

Use Projective Telepathy to kill AFA . If you setup the Occupation, make sure to go with all of the ships - beware the Superfalcon

If he tracks a destiny for Test five, wait till before he wants to test, and then omnibox his reserve. If he finally comes to you, use your main strategy, eventually halting their last - ditch - retrievel with the grabber and secret plans.

TIGIH Start with Battle Order, you dont want to loose early on force through drains. You can drop Oppressive Enforcement for this, as it is likely that they wont have too much sense, since they are already prohibited from playing alter. If you suspect speeder beats, use the Presence to convert the dungeon into a third interior battleground vs. Honor. You might want to wait with the Occupation, till they lost some X-Wings through drains and DD.

As usual, dont leave characters or ships alone at a location, they will just get clobbered. Use HuttSmooch and Sniper, as in all games to get rid of Spies.

If they spread too thin on Endor, you can always come with a beatdown. Dont forget Search and Destroy and the Telepathy - look out for the Falcon here, too.

Hidden Base Start with Security Precautions instead of either All Wrapped Up or O.Enforcement. Which choice you make, obviously depends on what your opponent does.

Try to start probing as soon as you have three ships. After you found their hidden Base, move the ships together to avoid any beatdowns.

If they play mains, use your usual capture - feed strategy.

Should Kessel Run and Our most desperate Hour be popular in your area, switch the Presence of the force for an Alter.

Use Gailid to boost your drains and S & D to fullest effect

Ok, this are the common matchups in my area.

If you feel anything left out, dmail me.

Oh, the Operational as planned is for tracking, reactor-terminal tech.

While youre at it, please review my new LS Deck entitled Landos Casa - Thankyou for your time

Black Leader ‘