RST Dual Purpose v1 1- You Too Can Own The Darkside

Title: RST Dual Purpose v1 1- You Too Can Own The Darkside
Author: John "Parn12" Digiovanni
Date: Sep 24, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Objective (1) Rebel Strike Team/Garrisson Destroyed

Locations (6) Endor (S) Endor Rebel Landing Site (S) Endor Hidden Forest Trail Endor Bunker Endor Back Door Endor Dense Forest

Characters (18) Corporal Beezer Lieutenant Page Orrimaarko Daughter Of Skywalker Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Derek ’Hobbie’ Klivian General Crix Madine Corporal Kensaric Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader Colonel Cracken General Calrissian Lieutenant Blount Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk Sergeant Junkin Major Panno Geezum General Solo Corporal Midge

Starships (6) Spiral Red Squadron 4 Tala 2 Red Squadron 1 Gold Squadron 1 Tala 1

Interrupts (15) Heading For The Medical Frigate (S) Throw Me Another Charge I Know This Is Absolutely Right Fly Casual Insertion Planning x3 Endor Celebration The Signal Lost In The Wilderness x2 Don’t Get @#$%y Revealed Star Destroyer

Effects (9) Strike Planning (S) Your Insight Serves You Well (S) Squadron Assignments (S) Battle Plan Inusrrection Menace Fades Close Air Support Traffic Control Lightsaber Proficiency

Weapons (3) Explosive Charge Anakin’s Lightsaber Luke’s Lightsaber

Devices (1) Electrobinoculars

Epic Events (1) Deactivate The Shield Generator ‘

Strategy: ‘

Okay, played it a little, been to a tournament or two with it, took some suggestions, and now I think I’ve made this deck a lot better than it was. First note YAY I’ve gotten a Wedge Antilles, Red Squad Leader and Lieutenant Blount, finally, an aire of satisfaction

Well, let’s get down to business here your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to get down on Endor fast and furious. Use Strike Planning to get Crixy and Solo from reserve deck, maybe hold them for a turn, or if your opponent dares to give you an icon go and blitz the Rebel Landing Site Crix for 2, Solo for 3, and pull Kensaric with Crix and deploy for 1. There, 1 site out of three down. Next turn, get Geezum, deploy Geezum to rebel landing site, maybe a thing or two from hand. Now, you may want to draw too, keep your hand nice and solid. Turn three control phase, get a site with Geezum, then do the rest of whatever you can do, scout the deck with Crix, maybe go for Beezer this time, then get the Electrobinoculars with Beezer. Or you could go for Panno to get your activation up, but that requires spreading out a little more. Anyways, now its just a matter of choices, you could easily set up to blow up the bunker, 1 explosive charge is all you need with the destiny draws of this deck (I got a 17 total with Junkin+1 charge), though that should be your last resort to flip the objective. Most of the time try to use the three site part of the objective and flip that way, then start draining with Midge’s text + sabers (if you can get them, never had a chance to yet, never needed them either). This is a drain deck, for sure, but it also can mass some solid power to scare your opponent away from you. Especially a first turn Crix+Solo+Kensaric on the Rebel Landing Site.

A few notes about my deck 1) Why use Geezum? Why Not CoK+Wuta? Easy, Wuta kills a Midge drain, plus contrary to popular thought, it really doesn’t slow me down any more than Cok+Wuta would, so why not just be conservative and just play Geezum? And don’t bash my idea for using another way than is ALWAYS done, that’s one of the reasons I don’t do it.

2) I took out the Ithorians, yes, first they’re not scouts. Secondly, I wasn’t playing them consistantly enough to have them killing 3 spots in my deck, and finally Hobbie, Red Squad 4, and Blount.. Hobbie is Wedge’s boy, they do good work together )

3) Electrobinoculars. Wow, one of the easiest ways to track your destinies, or just fine an insane one lurking on top. Return those two spare Insertion Plannings on top of the Star Destroyer with Traffic Control. Now Electrobinoc down to the Inserion Planning next turn after you activate a good bit. Wow, initiate a battle, 2 destiny 6’s for weapon destiny, and then a battle destiny of 7… or you could just forego the swing and play an I know or Don’t Get @#$%y to get the two extra destiny.. 6+6+7=Only Palpy is immune to that mess.

4) Don’t Get @#$%y/I Know. Why use these two, I mean if I’m going to play interrupts, play more right? Well, I wasn’t thinking so much of the power interrupt part here, more just their better game text, you know, like finding a saber with Gift of the Mentor. Don’t Get @#$%y can kill any TIE/ln if he initiates the battle (great vs. TDIGWATT) just toss Tala 1+Cracken down at Bespin Cloud City (power 6 + a draw) and let him initiate the battle, Don’t Get @#$%y OS-72-1 and wave bye bye. I’ve done this many times, but most of the time I go with Lando in GS1 too. I know is invaluable, especially if you get it in the early game and he decides to come and harrass your people on the Rebel Landing Site, Leia comes from reserve deck or hand complete with a matching weapon, for free DoS+Anakin’s Saber, nuff said.

5) Explosive Charge as a defense tool? Sweet, you mean if I draw greater than a 5 after losing a battle, everything inside the bunker goes poof? Why yes, its a terrible deal for the dark side indeed, especially if he comes in heavy to knock you out from deactivating the shield generator. And remember, its JUST lost a battle. Which means after total power has been counted the Explosive charge goes off, and poof, battle ends right there. Let’s see how eager he is to come down with Mara, Vader, Tarkin, Fett, Denger and all the rest of his little pets.

6) Close Air Support… do I even need to explain?

Deck Specific Strategy

Hunt Down Business as usual, try to get Cracken or Blount early, then go down and keep a hold of the Holotheater if you can. Use the Explosive Charge if you have to. Try to get Luke w/ any saber fairly quick, also Beezer hoisting her Binocs are helpful too, Vader shouldn’t be able to take down Luke in duels.

BHBM Maybe I should put an I feel the conflict in the deck too, just to make him think twice about initiating a duel every turn vs. Luke. Hit the ground as normal, try to pound on him when he comes down to Endor.

Endor Ops If he’s playing heavy space then this’ll pose a problem. Let him have the skies, unless you want to kick in Close Air Support for a battle, then land them down at the Rebel Landing Site. You’re going to have to destroy the bunker if you want to win, unless he’s not too bright and leaves Endor unguarded (yeah right).

TIEs/Space A tie has no purpose being on the ground, make sure he knows that. Flip with scouts, make him lose 8 after you destroy the bunker (each draw is +2 if your objective is flipped). Pick and choose your battles in space, Wedge and Hobbie should be your two men. Try to intimidate him away from Endor with everything you got, then finish it off with Menace Fades and Battle Plan. This one could be as tough as Endor Ops.

ISB Coruscant system isn’t a battleground, so Tala 1 and Tala 2 should be your friends. Tala 2 can keep ISB on the front at Coruscant, back him up with some other pairs thanks to Squad Assignments, then go down to where he is with Cracken (how many spies do you plan on deploying now?) and back him up too, should be enough to stop him fairly good. I’m thinking about 2 or 3 Double Agents in my deck too… undercover spy killers, Mara killers, ISB killers (did I mention it is destiny 6 too?).

ROPs Make sure you are ready at all times for a huge battle force to come down on you. Kensaric provides a little protection. Close Air Support works wonders if you can keep his space down at bey. You may be able to get the drop on him good on Ralltiir (though I think ROPs is going to die when JPSD comes out, Eloms+Onee Ta (however you spell it) is going to strike it right down). Not to mention Onee Ta would be good in my deck too for ROPs. Anyways, just be careful against this deck, I never liked it all that much, it could be potientially one of the hardest decks to face.

Did I miss any? I don’t think so.. but hey, use your best judgment if I did. And remember, you too can own the dark side ‘