Unlikely Court Members

Title: Unlikely Court Members
Author: Nick "JediBrain" Stefanko
Date: Sep 26, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘LOCATIONS - 6 Endor Back Door Endor Dense Forest Endor Hidden Forest Trail Endor Rebel Landing Site (Forest) Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Tatooine Hutt Trade Route

CHARACTERS - 27 Daughter Of Skywalker Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan With Lightsaber Ewok Spearman (x10) Figrin D’an Graak (x2) Ithorian (x3) Kazak (x4) Tessek (x2) Artoo Threepio

WEAPON - 1 Anakin’s Lightsaber

EFFECTS - 9 A Gift Bargaining Table Bo Shuda Do, Or Do Not Insurrection Order To Engage Seeking An Audience Traffic Control Uh-oh

OBJECTIVE - 1 Agents In The Court/No Love For The Empire

INTERRUPTS - 16 Endor Celebration Ewok Rescue (x2) Free Ride Heading For The Medical Frigate Houjix Lost In The Wilderness (x2) Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes (x3) Sound The Attack (x2) The Signal (x2) You Will Take Me To Jabba Now ‘

Strategy: ‘

Starting stuff Agents In The Court/No Love For The Empire (show Kazak as Rep), Tatooine Hutt Trade Route, Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber, Heading For The Medical Frigate for Uh-oh, Insurrection, and Do, Or Do Not

Object of deck This is a blatant drain deck. With Kazak on Endor, Tessek at the AC, and Ithorians and Graak spread out on Endor, you will be draining for large amounts, and in turn drawing your opponent’s attention to Endor. With a basis of defense, the Ewok Spearmen are the best choice. Their gametext is irreproachable, and with Ewok Rescue and Sound The Attack as backups, controlling Endor should pose little problem. With No Love For The Empire, you’ll be able to cancel their battle destinies (and Force drains if necessary should Lost In The Wilderness and Bargaining Table not be enough) and keep your Ewoks alive. The Rebels and droids in the deck are in for specific purposes. DOS gives a loving hand to Ewoks’ power on Endor. Jedi Luke can be used much the same way as a suicide EPP, but has the ability to live longer. EPP Obi is in for use as a suicide EPP. Artoo is for A Gift, and can be pulled using Seeking An Audience. Threepio is the Ewok master, and with Seeking An Audience, he can keep coming back into the fray where needed. Anakin’s Lightsaber can be used by either Luke or Leia, depending on whomever is on table/who needs it more. The most beneficial use would be with Luke.

The Why This? Section No Yarna - since you’ll have to draw for Endor sites anyway, your multiple characters will probably get nailed anyhow. Kazak instead of Chirpa as Rep - Kazak becomes a target for the DS because of his gametext. Thus, if he is killed often, then you can get those copies of him off the Objective and back on table. Plus, you’ll be able to retrieve the lost copy and therefore have another canceller in the deck. Plus, you’ll want to save the Spearmen for beatdowns and for Bargaining Table, not get them out fast and spread out. Spearmen instead of Sentries - Sentries suck A LOT unless you’re playing with many unique Ewoks. Also, Spearmen gametext is great No other mains/semi-mains - you don’t want to expend many resources going to your opponent’s sites (unless those are Endor sites). The goal is to draw your opponent to Endor to deal with you, then you can play Ewok Rescue and/or Sound The Attack and win there. No starships - any space forces would get spanked hard by the DS space forces. Free Ride - Used 5, has potential to steal certain opponent’s vehicles. This card can be exchanged for any other good Used 5 like Out Of Commission, etc. Order To Engage - if your opponent relies on the AC, then this will make him pay for staying there. Also, if your opponent is caught with a less than efficient task force on Endor, they’ll have to take some damage either way. No Ewok Spears - I would love to put 1-2 in, but just couldn’t find the room. These things are great for battling. Houjix - just in case… Jedi Luke - if up against BHBM, it’ll take a little while longer for them to convert Luke. Also, his high immunity to attrition can sustain him in battle against your opponent. ‘