The Shepherds and the Flock

Title: The Shepherds and the Flock
Author: Peter "jeeps" Jacobson
Date: Sep 28, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (9) Obi’s Hut (start) Tatooine DB Home One DB Hoth DB DB Kessel Rendezvous Point Yoda’s Hut Cantina

Admiral’s Orders (1) I’ll Take The Leader

Characters (16) Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x 3 Ben Kenobi x 3 Han w/ Blaster Leia w/ Blaster Orimaarko Tawas Khaa Nien Numb General Calrissian Jek Porkins Tycho Celchu Colonel Cracken Wedge Antilles, Red Squad. Leader

Weapons (3) Lukes Lightsaber Obi’s Lightsaber Anakin’s Lightsaber

Starships (6) Home One Gold Squadron 1 Red Squadron 1 Red 6 Green 3 Tala 1

Interupts (17) Heading For The Medical Frigate (SI) Sense x 2 Alter Out of Commission x 2 Lost In The Wilderness A Few Maneuvers Weapon Levitation Fallen Portal Gift Of The Mentor Sorry About The Mess Smoke Screen Jedi Presence The Signal Tunnel Vision x 2

Effects (8) Squadron Assignments (SI) Wise Advice (SI) Insurrections (SI) Your Insight Serves You Well Mantellian Savrip Order to Engage Honor Of The Jedi What’re You Trin’ To Push On us?

Strategy: ‘

It looks like a LOT of red, but everything seems to play out very nicely. With that said, here’s the strategy.

Against most decks, I start the Insurrection, Squad Assignments, and Wise Advice. These cards help me keep my effects in play and get my ships out against tough space. In my last tournament, I went 2-1 ALL against RalOps. Since RalOps is probably hurting after Jabba’s Palace Sealed Deck, I won’t have to worry about seeing again THREE times in one tournament. This deck is pretty straight forward. It has teeth on the ground. Ben, although delpoy restricted to Tat, can easy transit to Endor, Ralthir, or most other Docking Bays to offer his services. Rather than deploy the entire cost of Luke, I prefer to synchronise a transit with Luke from Home One DB and with Ben from Tat Docking bay. The two together are nearly unstopable.

Since the last tournament, I have made a few changes into this version. I originally gambled and thought that I would see more Court decks last weekend (9/23/00), so I packed some JP sites for conversion and draining purposes. Well, that didn’t help, so I took out the JP and put in a Cantina (decent drain, with a few lightsabers, a painful drain). I also added a Kessel for some space damage. The rest of the sites are typical 0/2 or 0/1 sites, keeping the DS from getting to powerful.

The 2 senses and Alter are there more for protection against DS interupts and reacts than the DS cancelling my cards (with Wise Advice, I can keep my cards, even Lost interupts on the table if they gent sensed).

Tunnel Vision is just a great card to fit any situation.

Weapon Levitation is decent against Ben and Luke being targeted, plus I can look for sabers in my lost pile.

Red 6 and Jek are Red Squadron pilot and his ship is a 6 destiny. With Wedge, this helps out in crunches.

Fallen Portal is always a nice surprise.

Gift of a Mentor is great when chances are you’ll have Luke and Ben together in most battles.

Smoke Screen is a great ANTI-Tarkin/Sim Aloo card. With Luke and Ben it’s a 6 uncancellable draw.

The destiny draws in this deck are also good after you get it going.

Mantellian and Order to Engage are great cards. When I am facing large odds, the extra copies of ben and Luke keep many weaker forces on the table to battle next turn or move away and force drain. Plus if it gets cancelled by alter, I can look for it later. Against RalOps, I just patiently get Ben down at his Hut and transited over around turn 3. Not giving any force to my opponent does slow RalOps down and I have gained a lot of confidence with this deck against it. Against Hunt Down, I was planning on starting Your Insights Serves You Well INSTEAD of Wise Advice. I would then lose it to get Honor of the Jedi to negate Visage. I wouldn’t help the DS by giving them battle grounds either. I would then play it safe and keep those Senses handy and keep an eye on my destinies.

Thanks for reviewing Peter Jacobson ‘