Disco Lando’s Deal-O-Rama

Title: Disco Lando’s Deal-O-Rama
Author: Dan "Static-X" Grover
Date: Oct 2, 2000 Rating: 3.5




LOCATIONS (7) Cloud City Casino {S} Bespin Bespin Cloud City Cloud City Downtown Plaza Cloud City Port Town District Cloud City East Landng Platform Cloud City West Gallery

CHARACTERS (16) 3x Disco Lando Calrissian 2x Lobot Lord Vader Darth Vader DLOTS Emperor Palpatine Mara Jade Sim Aloo Janus Greejatus Grand Moff Tarkin Salacious Crumb 4-LOM with Concussion Rifle 2x R2-Q2


STARSHIPS (5) Executor Chimaera Boba Fett In Slave 1 Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Zuckuss in MIst Hunter

VEHICLES (2) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

WEAPONS (2) Vader’s Lightsaber Mara’s Lightsaber

EFFECTS (11) Oppressive Enfrocement {S} Imperial Arrest Order {S} Crush The Rebellion {S} Secret Plans {S} 2x Dark Deal Cloud City Occupation Reactor Terminal Battle Order Lateral Damage Search And Destroy

INTERRUPTS (15) Prepared Defenses {S} 5x Cloud City Sabacc 3x A Real Hero 2x Imperial Barrier Ommni Box Masterful Move Twi’Lek Advisor Limited Resources ‘

Strategy: ‘

Okay, now for the fun stuff. This deck is all about gambling. You can take your time setting up Dark Deal, all the while gambling with Sabacc. Get Lando and Lobot out at the casino ASAP (Lobot should be no problem, because you can pull him with A Real Hero), preferably aboard one of the AT-AT’s to protect them from weapons fire. Keep your opponent away with A Real Hero (lets your Lando add 2 () battle destinies in ANY battle), and keep retrieving force. Try to get R2-Q2 on the AT-AT as well- during your draw phase, scan the top three cards of your deck so you know how your gambling will go It’s legalized cheating (Question for you smart people out there Can R2-Q2’s ability be used more than once? It doesn’t say “Once per turn” on the card.) Basically, you can set up Dark Deal at your own pace, then pound the snt out of your opponent.

Now, this is just a preliminary deck, and I have a few dilemmas. Most importantly, should I instead start with Any Methods Necessary? It will let me start with a bounty hunter and ship, but more importantly, it lets me get the prison right away, which means first turn Disco Lando if I don’t get him in my hand, plus it gives him a place to hide for a while. This is most important against decks that get him on the first turn with Strike Planning, but should I do this. Please let me know what you think. Anyway, thanks for your time. And remember, KEEP DISCO EVIL. ‘