Speed space Palpy and lots of ships

Title: Speed space Palpy and lots of ships
Author: William "FredDurst100" Diniega
Date: Oct 2, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (9) Alderran (start) Death star docking bay 327 (start) Death star (start) Kiffex Corulag Kashyyyk Sullust Kessel Endor

Characters (7) Baron soontir fel Commander Merrejk x3 Emperor Palpatine x3

Starships (22) Tie Interceptor x10 Saber 1 Boba Fett in slave 1 Bossk in hound’s tooth Dengar in punishing one Ig88 in Ig2000 Zuckuss in mist hunter Death star assault squadron Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser x5

Interrupts (14) Monnok Masterful move It’s worse All power to weapons x4 Short Range fighters x2 Prepared defenses (start) Alter x2 Sense x2

Effects (7) Well guarded x2 Dreaded imperial starfleet Reactor terminal Mobilization Points (start) Battle order (start) Crossfire (start)

Objective (1) Set your course for Alderran/The ultimate power in the universe ‘

Strategy: ‘

Here’s what you do. On the first turn you should drop either a Palpy or Merrejk at the docking bay 327. You pull corulag with mobilization points and if you dropped merrejk, pull another battleground system. Also drop a system if you have one in your starting hand. On second turn you have 3 force from Death Star, 1 from palpy if he’s on table, 3 from docking bay because you should control it and it gets +2 if you control it from mobilization points, 2 from corulag, and another 2 from any other system you dropped. That’s a total of 12 force. If Merrejk is on table pull another system (do this almost every turn). You’ll be able to drop a lot of ships with all the force you have and you won’t have to pay to drain because you occupy the docking bay and a battleground system. You pretty much just battle and drain the rest of the way.

Against EBO You should be able to take this out because you’ll have a lot of space to block your opponent’s drains and you should be able to out battle your opponent.

Against There is good in him Pretty much just out drain your opponent in space and if he comes into space battle him off the table.

Against Mind what you have learned You shouldn’t have a problem be cause you don’t have a lot of drain bonuses and can out battle him in space.

Agains Mains and toys Let your opponent have the ground you’ll have space and if he drops a super falcon just drop Dengar in P1 and some other ships to take it out.

Against Xwing swarm There’s a reason why I use Interceptors.

Against hidden base Just take over space and probe the systems.

Against Profit Battle order should slow your opponent down and you’ll be draining big in space which is way more than his direct damage. If he drops The celebration just go take over Tattoine and cancel it.

That should be eough for you to see that this deck can combat most of the decks out there. I hope you will have fun if you play this deck.

William Diniega No Luke, I did it all for the NOOKIE ‘