Revenge Of The Amazing Elom Brigade

Title: Revenge Of The Amazing Elom Brigade
Author: Dan "Static-X" Grover
Date: Oct 4, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘LOCATIONS (8) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut {S} Home One Dorking Bay Hoth Echo Dorking Bay Yavin 4 Dorking Bay Cloud City Dorking Bay Tatooine Dorking Bay 94 Cloud City Lower Corridor Tatooine Cantina

CHARACTERS (22) 2x Jedi Luke 2x Ben Kenobi Captain Han Solo Han with Blaster 2x Leia with Blaster Chewbacca Wedge Antilles KFC Figrin D’an 10x Elom

STARSHIPS (6) Millenium Falcon Home One Tantive IV Spiral Liberty GLiG1

WEAPONS (2) Luke’s Saber Ben’s Saber

EFFECTS (10) Insurrection {S} Staging Areas {S} Do Or Do Not {S} Wise Advice Traffic Control Mantellian Savrip Draw Their Fire Yarna Dal Gargan Honor Of The Jedi Bacta Tank INTERRUPTS (12) Heading For The Medical Frigate 3x The Signal 2x Rebel Barrier 2x Fallen Portal Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes Clash O’ Sabers Transmission Terminated NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ahh, yes. The old standby, mains beatdown. It never really left, it just got overshadowed by ROPs and Hunt Down. Well, it’s still here, and better than ever. I haven’t yet gotten to optimize it for JPSD; I plan to wait until it’s released and then make my changes. However, this deck is flexible and should do well against most deck types. Once that card that hoses Honor is out, Hunt Down and BHBM will be out there in force, and I will have to make some changes. However, until then, this deck should be solid. SAC is taken care of by Do Or Do Not, plus there’s Wise Advice in there to further discourage SAC-happy folks. Admittedly, since I just made this deck (and it’s not exactly an original concept; everyone uses it), I’m not sure how it stands up against other decks. Here’s my main strategies against predominant decks.

Hunt Down- Okay, a lot of Hunt Down decks work off of Imps, right? And what do Eloms hate? That’s right, Imps. Beat down at will, use TT to cancel Visage at your earliest convenience, and use NOOOOOOOOOOOO if Luke loses a duel.

BHBM- Similar concept. Send your Eloms to kick the crap out of your opponent. Give them Luke to stop force loss, then pound on them.

Dark Deal- It’s been making a comeback. Simply, since most Dark Deal decks go for speed at the cost of spreading out, just smack them down. If possible, do it before they can get Dark Deal out. And remember, you can cancel Dark Deal by occupying 4 Cloud City Locations.

TIES- I don’t see these much, but they are out there. Just battle them in space while draining on the ground. Watch out for Lateral Damage.

ROPS- You won’t see these too much any more. If you do, go to Ralltiir and smack them with Eloms.

WEll, there you go. I can’t think of many other deck types off the top of my head. Anyway, let me know what you think. ‘