Stimmed Jim’s EBO version 2

Title: Stimmed Jim’s EBO version 2
Author: Jim "Stimmed Jim" Li
Date: Oct 9, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Hoth MPG North Ridge Heading for the medical frigate Wise Advice Squadron Assignments Your Insight serves you well

locations Echo Command Center Echo Corridor Echo Docking Bay Hoth Forest Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Charactes Arcona Melas EPP Leia x2 Capt. Han x2 Ishi Tib x3 Baragwin x2 Luke skywalker EPP Obi x2

Effects Projection of a skywalker x2 The Signal x3 A Few Maneuvers I’ll Take the Leader Echo Base Operation Legendary Starfighter WYTTPOU Honor of the Jedi Punch it x2 Narshadda x3 A New Secret Base x2 Bacta Tank TPTIFF Battle Plan I Know Bith Shuffle Order to Engage

Greens Ewok Catapult x2 Bionic Hand x2 Intruder Missle x2

Ships Falcon x2 Artoo in Red 5 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Differences between this version and the earlier one

obviously, i decided to start heading for the medical frigate ’cos even tho’ you may not be able to set up as quickly as before, you get a much more stable start against most decks. 3 signals and 2 ansbs should let you get one early. even if you don’t, deploy your locations, drop i@#$%ibs at safe locations, and look for them. the two projections helps against rops and court. battle plan helps tremendously because the opponent will almost never try to go to space. planet farthest from helps stop ops and overseeing it personally. Bith Shuffle stops those decks that set for stun han, overload leia, or gravity shadow the falcon by stopping them from tracking destiny.

other than that, read my strategy for the original deck.