To EBO or To Smash Opponents DECK (Nicely of course)

Title: To EBO or To Smash Opponents DECK (Nicely of course)
Author: Ben "Left Feat" Tomlinson
Date: Oct 14, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting Hoth Main Power Generators Hoth North Ridge The Signal A New Secret Base

Characters Obi-Wan Kenobi First Officer Thanesspi Admiral Ackbar Captain Han Solo Nien Nunb Green Leader Luke Skywalker Major Haash’n General Calrissian Hol Okond Tycho Celchu Ishi Tib x 3 Figrin Dan Lessup Sirln

Devices And Weopons Intruder Missle x 5 Heavy Turbolaser Battery Bionic Hand Landing Claw

Starships Home One Liberty Defience Tantive IV Millenium Falcon Gold Squadren 1 Green Squadren 1 Green Squadren 3 Red 5 Gold 6 Admirals Order I’ll Take The Leader

Locations Hoth Kashyyyk Kiffex Hoth Echo Med Lab Hoth Echo Docking Bay Hoth Echo Corridor Hoth Echo Command Centre

Interrupts Out Of Nowhere x 2 Star Destroyer Punch It The Signal

Effects Squadren Assignments x 2 EBO Launching The Assault Traffic Control Menice Fades Haven Do, Or Do Not Uncontrolluble Fury

Strategy: ‘

Okay first you are probibly saying to yourself wierd bloody deck and why ISHI TIB????? Well my deck needs to get squadron assignments out pretty quickly and there is a few ways to do this first of all the ishi tibs they can track destinies and also can get it out into my hand in my first turn then there is the signal in there and last of all i could draw it. The deck really is get EBO running quick then deploy Haven and all your stuff for like 1 and 0 and Home one for 9 then spread to the other two sites while at the same time retreiving with figran dan and guessing cards with Lissub and getting cards with the ishi’s.

Vs Raltiir OPS First deploy stuff to a system and then move to raltiir they will not have a big activation second turn and then control raltiir and after secure get EBO running and then just control space and don’t let em flip (easy)

Vs Endor Ops Get Ebo running adn deploy that is call there is to it don’t go down to Endor and then control the systems and try and drain em away(Bloody Hard)

Vs Ops Follow the game plan up top (easy)

Vs Dark Deal Obj It will be a drain race but again just follow the strategy also control North ridge and ge Menace Fades Going (could go either way)

Cool also don’t worry about the destinies in this deck ‘