MWYHL- Save me it can

Title: MWYHL- Save me it can
Author: Ryan "TheNatural14" Beckham
Date: Oct 15, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objectives (1)


Jedi Tests (6)

Great Warrior

A Jedi’s Strength

Domain of Evil

Throught The Force

It is the Future You See

You Must Confront Vader

Locations (9)


Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Dagobah Swamp

Dagobah Training Area

Dagobah Jungle


Cloud City Docking Bay

Endor Landing Platform

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Characters (15)

Daughter of Skywalker


Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Luke with Lightsaber x 2

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Ben Kenobi

Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol

General Solo

Chewbacca of Kashyyk x 2

Tawss Khaa

General Calrission

Nien Numb


Ships (6)


Tantive IV

Gold Squadron 1

Home One

Red Leader in Red 1

R2 in Red 5

Weapons/Devices (7)

Anikan’s Lightsaber

Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Backpack

Intruder Missle x 2

Ewok Catapult

Effects (10)

Yoda’s Hope

The Way of Things



Wise Advise

Honor of the Jedi

Battle Plan

Traffic Control

Your Insight Serves You Well

Goo Nee Tay

Interrupts (6)

Heading for the Medical Frigate

The Signal

Transmission Terminated

Rebel Barrier

A Few Manuevers

Out of Nowhere

Strategy: ‘

Well this deck does fairly well and is fairly fast. You can get to test three within your first four or fives turns, which is a must to get it down right. Start with Wise Adivise and for sure The Way of things. The third effect needs to be insurrection for the docking bay support but can change. I found it hard to make a good and workable Jedi Test deck because it is so effect and interrupt intensive, but I think I got enough in there. I used docking bays so that I can use heavy hitters like Ben, Luke and Han to run around and make a mess of the opponent while Leia stays back and helps you out. The air is powerful and effective and can really get the job done with a small amount of support.


Take out Elom and put in another Ben. Had a brain fart.

Take out Nien, Lando and Gold Squad 1 for Lando in Ship and a fallen portal and sorry about the mess

Hyper Escape for A few Manuevers

Possible Changes

More Interrupts and Effects, Han with Blaster for General Han, More LSJK [if I can even get one, that one is a dream ;-) ], Chewie with Gun for CoK, Take out Nien Lando and Gold Squad 1 for Lando in Ship and two interrupts or effects

Reasons for cards

Two of mains- Make sure I get one, they are vital to getting the beatdown I need

Luke Mix- Dont have any LSJK, so I am wishing for one at least and putting in my ones with Saber to make sure I get one out

General Solo- Great guy. His game text is helpful too. May get taken out though for another Han with blaster. LMK what you think

CoK- I am really going to put in the ECP Chewie once I get them but for now I am using good old CoK.

Obi Mix- Just in case I lose the Tatooine D-Bay I have another Obi two run with

Tawss Khaa- With these guys you know who will win

Docking Bay Mix- The most popular areas to play and plus you get lower deploy at endor and ben can only deploy to Tatooine

Starship Mix- Heavy hitters. Can’t say much else. These guys can seriously do damage to the playing field and win more than their fair share of battles

The Sabers- I really don’t see how this deck can be played without them. Luke and his saber kick but beyond comprehension. Obi and his saber kill easily and the added force drain and Leia needs one two for when she must confront Vader

Other Weapons- Used for their great destiny. Need to track these and make sure they come up for destiny draws and to stack on the jedi test.

Yoda’s Hope and Reflections- Well Duh, every point counts

Traffic Control- To dump duplicates of characters if you want to and to dump extra weapons.

Battle Plan- Get your ships out and prevent some force drains from the other side. Get you people to annihalate space or ground and they lose their ability to force drain.

Goo Nee Tay- Add to the deploy and prevent loss of ALL of you characters besides Leia and Tawss

Fallen Portal- Kill those pesky small imperials who wander onto your docking bays.

Transmission Terminated- Visage makes my upset. Cancel it before I get mad

Hyper Escape/Out of Nowhere- High destiny and added protection for your Ships



Your ships can destroy them easily. If they get too powerful your Jedi Tests will really hurt them and make them easier kill. Force drain on Ground


Well Vader will come looking for Luke. I would let him have him and dual him while Leia trains. This will help out alot. You will beatdown on him so fast that he won’t even have a chance to win battles and add to his draws.

VS Hunt Down

This could hurt but you have the destiny on your side. Track that destiny well and keep from having those Epic Duals destroy you. Terminate Visage too cause that will really begin to hurt. Watch out for GMT and Mara they will help do the damage but they too can die

VS RallOps

No army can have the power your small task force has. Go there and flip the objective back over. They will have spaceport docking bay too to help you out.

VS Endor Ops

Same as RallOps You can easily whipe them away with Mains and toys.

VS Court

They have to capture a main with a toy. That is funny. Even if they do, deploy more mains and get your guy back. Do bounty hunters really havea chance against the alliances best people?

VS Carbon Freeze

Who plays carbon freeze now anyways?

VS Dark Deal

Never really played a dark deal so dont know much about it. I would just move over to CC and kill them. Doesnt sound that hard. No darkside character besides Vader can really wreak any havok on your guys ‘