CC Royal Guards v1 1

Title: CC Royal Guards v1 1
Author: Kevin "Punkboy" Harlow
Date: Oct 16, 2000 Rating: 2.0



‘Starting (7)

TDIGWATT/PIDAIAF CC Upper Walkway Secret Plans (using objective) Prepared Defenses IAO Mobilization Points Inconsequential Losses (usually)

Locations (7)

Bespin Bespin Cloud City CC West Gallery CC Downtown Plaza CC Port Town District CC Docking Bay Coruscant Docking Bay

Characters (16)

Emperor Palpatine x3 Myn Kyneugh x2 DVDLOTS Royal Guards x 9 Mara Jade

Weapons (7)

Force Pike x7

Starships (8)

Zuckuss in Minst Hunter Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Dengar In Punishing One IG-88 in IG-2000 Boba Fett in Slave 1 OS-72-1 in Obsidian 1 OS-72-2 in Obsidian 2 Executor

Effects (9)

Precision Targeting Strategic Reserves Security Precautions CC Ocupation Well Guarded Dark Deal Cane Adiss Battle Order There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Interrupts (5)

Outflank x2 Twi’lek Advisor Abyssin Ornament x2

Admiral’s Order (1)

Intensify the Forward Batteries ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck uses Royal Guards and Force Pikes (and a lot of modifiers) to control Cloud City. Once you get Dark Deal and CC Occupation set up, there’s not too much your opponent can do. The hard part is getting Dark Deal set up. Always Start IAO, Mobilization Points and Secret Plans. Your 3rd effect from Prepared Defenses can var, but usually inconsequential losses is the best. First turn, pull Bespin, Coruscant Docking Bay and Executor. Deploy the two locations and try to get someone to the Coruscant Docking Bay for extra activation. Next turn pull CC Docking Bay and Cloud City. Deploy the Docking Bay but DO NOT DEPLOY CLOUD CITY Use the next few turns to get some Guards w/ Pikes onto Cloud City, and pull CC Occupation and Dark Deal. When you control three CC sites, deploy Cloud City and a starfighter to it, and deploy Dark Deal. This way your opponent has no way to stop you from controlling Cloud City for that one turn you need to control it to set up Dark Deal. After you play Dark Deal, you can either abandon Cloud City and go up to Bespin with the rest of your ships, or you can move some ships down to hold it. I usually abandon Cloud City because it doesn’t matter if you get drained for 2 there, the game will be over soon. Next turn they’ll probably lose at least 10, and up to 15 force from drains and CC Occupation. The Royal Guards are extremely effective at holding CC sites. With Intensify the Forward Batteries and Myn Kyneugh, they are deploy 1 to CC, power 3, defense value 5 and forfeit 4, and with a Force Pike they’re defense value 6, can make someone’s power =0, and can forfeit the weapon for a total forfeit of 7. Try and have at least 1 weapon per site so if EPP’s come down, you can hit Chewbacca pretty easily, and the EPP’s can’t reduce the Weapon’s forfeit. Ideally, you’ll have 2 guards per site, and at least 1 will have a Force Pike. This provides Power 6, Forfeit 11, a chance to hit someone, and two battle destinies.

Explanations for some cards left out

SAC protection I only have two effects which Alter can cancel, and one of them becomes immune w/ two battlegrounds (Well Guarded) And Abyssin Ornament is immune to sense. If they cancel the other interrupts like Twi’lek it doesn’t matter too much.

Search and Destroy If the opponent is playing all space, then Battle Order will hurt them, and once I have two battlegrounds, the game will be over shortly anyways.

CBHYBC Secret Plans is much better for stopping retrieval, and most decks have no trouble occupying two battlegrounds anyways.

Corulag I’d have to spread out too much to be able to control it and Bespin.

Overseeing It Personally A force drain +1 won’t matter once I have Dark Deal up.

Explanations for some cards in the deck

Emperor Palpatine Increases beatdown potential by allowing my guards to deploy straight to CC, and speeds up the setup of Dark Deal


Outflank An awesome card for this deck. You’ll usually have weapons adjacent to the sites, and this lets you add one battle destiny and 3 power, not to mention being a destiny 6.

Intensify the Forward Batteries “Your non-pilot warriors (royal guards) are deploy -1, defense value +2 and forfeit +1.” This speaks for itself

Cane Addiss Let’s you deploy to whatever planet they’re playing.

Thanks for reading, and any suggestions will be appreciated. ‘