More Death in Space

Title: More Death in Space
Author: Allen "Bossk.1" McCabe
Date: Oct 16, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Sarting (3)


The Signal

Squadron Assignments

Effects (4)

Weapons Display

Civil Disorder

Legendary Starfighter

Do, Or Do Not

Interrupts (7)

This Is More Like It

Combined Attack

Out Of Nowhere

It Could Be Worse

Steady Aim

Corellian Slip

A Few Maneuvers

Weapons (15)

A-wing Cannon x3

Intruder Missile x3

Enhanced Proton Torpedos x3

X-wing Laser Cannon x4

Concussion Missles x2

Starships (16)

Gold Sqaudron 1

A-wing x4

B-wing Bomber x2

Nebulon-B Frigate

Red 8

Red 7

Red Squadron 7

X-wing x5

Characters (11)

Bren Quersey

Captain Verrack

Chewbacca of Kashyyyk

Colonel Salm

Elyhek Rue

General Calrissian

General Solo

Karie Neth

Keir Santage

Kin Kian

Lieutenant Telsij

Locations (4)




Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay)

Strategy: ‘


You start with Sullust. You use The Signal as the starting interrupt, which allows you to take out an effect with no deploy cost. You take out Squadron Assignments. This allows you to get a matching pilot to a starship you have in your hand during your deploy phase (or vice versa.) You then deploy both simultaneously. There are effects that are usful like Weapons display, or Legendary Starfighter.

There is an interrupt combo I think could be useful when you have alot of attrion, or you don’t want to lose people there to attrition, you play This Is More Like It, and then right away you play It Could Be Worse. So in the end, if you had five attrition, you paid five to cancel it. It’s Worse could be bad, but who uses that card? You could use Combined attack (if you had a couple starships, and a couple starship weapons, or more) to kill a D*2 Executor, or a regular Executor, or Star Destroyer, etc. This is basically a swarm deck and there are a few decks out there that could kill it. This deck does well the times I’ve used, but the first one, the unrevised one, stunk a little.