EBO Fakeout

Title: EBO Fakeout
Author: Ben "Annihilator" Terry
Date: Oct 17, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Hoth Generators

4th Marker

Echo Med Lab

Echo Docking Bay

Echo War Room

Obi-Wan’s Hut

Yoda’s Hut

Chirpa’s Hut

Home One War Room

EPP Obi x2

EPP Luke x2

EPP Han x2

EPP Leia x2

EPP Chewie



Tawss Khaa

DS2 Wedge


Harc Seff

Romas Lock Navander

Home One

Tantive 4



Lando in Falcon

Sense x4

Alter x3

Weapon Levitation

Smoke Screen

Sorry About The Mess

The Signal x2

Tunnel Vision x3

Order To Engage

Mantellian Savrip

Traffic Control

Battle Plan

Draw Their Fire

Push on us

Uncontrollable Fury

Bacta Tank x2

Projection of a Skywalker x2

Civil Disorder

Echo Base Garrison

A New Secret Base

Honor Of The Jedi ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is a solid mains deck that uses EBO fake out not only to throw the opponent off, but to set up the bacta tank combo that is very potent with EPPs.Grab War Room and Echo Garrison first turn. Then pull out all your additional sites and use Garrison to grab bacta tank.I have a backup tank in here because the mains arent nearly as effective if I lose the tank.A good starship selection including redemption for bacta tank purposes.

vs Ties - Hack the emperor off the death star and use battle plan and order to engage against them. Grab all power to weapons and alter dreaded starfleet.

vs BHBM - A tough matchup, use spies for a possible beatdown vs emperor. Make good use of bacta tank to have reoccuring mains and wear them down as the game goes on.

vs Hunt Down - There’s no duel defense, you may want to add some if duel is popular in your area.Tunnel vision for the spies and cancel visage asap and drain on the executor.Use tank to wear them down.

vs Scum - Pretty easy game, use sense/alter vs barrier/NSP and other important stuff.Again, wear them down with tank mains.Projections are also helpful here.

vs Raltiir - Get on their planet early and use tank to keep mains on the planet all game long. Projections helpful here as well.