Imperials Rule Endor

Title: Imperials Rule Endor
Author: Mark "Ar2Dee2" Zoran
Date: Oct 18, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting8 Endor Ops. Endor Bunker Landing Platform Prepared Defences Oppresive Enforcement There Is No Try You Cannot Hide Forever

Locations4 (besides above^) Ancient Forest Forest Clearing Dark Forest Forest

Characters21 Emperor Palpatine Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Lord Vader Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Janus Greejatus IG-88 With Riot Gun Bane Malar Pote Snitkin Sergeant Barich Corporal Avarik Sergeant Elsek Commander Merrejk(may take out for Avenger or The Emperor’s Sword) Corporal Misik Corporal Drelosyn Sergeant Irol Colonel Dyer Navy Trooper Fenson Stormtrooper Cadet Admiral Piett Colonel Davod Jon

Admiral’s Orders1 Battle Deployment

Effects8 (besides above^) Expand the Empire Presence of the ForceX2 Establish Secret Base Perimeter Patrol Battle Order Relentless Tracking Overseeing it Personally

Vehicles6 Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout4 Tempest Scout5 Tempest Scout6

Starships5 Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Dengar in Punishing One Boba Fett In Slave 1 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser Dominator

Interrupts5 Scout Recon Twi’lek Advisor Force LightningX2

Weapons3 Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber AT-ST Duel Cannon ‘

Strategy: ‘

Overview Basically there is just a lot of power here. Get out Establish Secret Base with the objective (there should be enough AT-ST’s and biker scouts. If not you can always lose it to a drain). And get out Perimeter Patrol with You Cannot Hide Forever. And get THE ENDOR SHEILD Most of the sites have a force drain bonus+a LIGHTsaber+Presence of the Force+expand the Empire. Usually a drain of three a site. DO spread out your force drains Why? If someone can cancel your drains, they’ll cancel the big ones. Can’t cancel ’m all though. Scout Recon for the recyclable 6. This deck needed powerful starships that’s why those are there. Force lightning is a good recycle card. Use the lost part at the end of your turn JUST IN case . Keep the emperor @ Endor To Jump up the force drains because he’ll be ”Overseeing it Personally.” Use Expand on the site that allows you a force drain of +1 Thanks. Please Reveiw I’ll do the same thing for ya ‘