Turnabout is Fair Play

Title: Turnabout is Fair Play
Author: Jamie "JEEBS" Giberti
Date: Oct 19, 2000 Rating: 4.5




Hidden Base Hidden Base Planet Rendevous Point Heading for the medical frigate Wise Advice Aim High Draw Their Fire (7)


Coruscant Ralltir Aquaris Kashyyyk Sullust Kessel Kiffex (7)


Boussh TK-422 Obi-Wan Kenobi Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight (4)


2 x X-Wing Laser Cannon (2)


2 x S-Foils 3 x Revolution Rebel Fleet Traffic Control Yarna D’al Gargan Honor Of The Jedi (9)


3 x Organzied Attack 2 x It Could be Worse Lost In The Wilderness 2 x Rebel Barrier 2 x All Wings Report In Alternative To Fighting Transmission Terminated (12)


11 x Xwing 3 x Xwing Assault Squadron Red Leader in Red 1 Liberty Home 1 Tantive IV Spiral (19) ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is a Hidden Base that did well for me a local tournament, and also in playtesting. Revolution is the last thing people expect to see, I encountered no Revo protection whatsoever at the tournament, and only 1 time in testing (cos i put it there). 3 is a good number so you get a bit of a force choek, but you are not reliant on them. The Hidden Base is usually Sullust although it can be Kashyyyk or ralltir aswell. Avoid the obvious 1s like Coruscant. This deck can drain like hell, or beat down nicely. The flip side of the objective, ICBW, Rebel Fleet and the spies are there for big drains, Jedi Luke is for BHBM obviously, although against other decks, He and Obi can easily hold a site which is a big help against s & d. If they come to space before you have deployed too much, barrier them and commence beatdown. 4 xwings with s-foils and/or organzied is mor ethan enough against solitary BH ships (or a pair of dreadnaughts). The drain potential is huge, Coruscant, Kessel, and Kiffex is a drain of 8 per turn just with those 3. Alternatives to Fighting can really save your ass, in prep for the beatdown next turn. With the return of Super heavy SAC, I am considering dropping aim high for Do or do not, but Huge retrieval is a nuisance, its up to personal taste (and your meta). The only thing this deck doesnt like is lots of direct damage, BHBM is probably the worst match up.


Will be tough, but definately winable if you get a fast enough start. Use the anti drain things to slow them down, but dont flip early unless you are in deep @#$%e. Barrier any ships that come down if you have the stuff for a beatdown. Controlling Coruscant will slow them up aswell. When you feel draining will kill them pretty quick, flip and commence sucking their life force. Vader having to cart Jedi Luke around will also be costing them force. Will depend on class of deck and player, but winnable still.

VS Hunt Down

a quick flip is adviseable, as you should be able to stop all their drains pretty easily. They will have no choice but to come and get you, as your drains will do a helluva lot more damage than visage/search and destroy. When the come to get some, barrier and beatdown. You should win this 90% of the time if you get a reasonable start. Transmission terminated for visage obviously, make em find another.


I look forward to this. Lots of battles, u should be able to get the drop on them. If they leave a lone tie at wakeelmui, if you have tantive lay the smack down on him. That will be effectively game. Seriously, battles will be interesting, Shoot their ships with cannons before they shoot yours. Watch out for lateral damage, dont spread too thin. You should win most of the time.


It will depend on what kind of court. 1 without a good contigent of BH ships, no problem. 1 with zuckuss, bossk and friends is gonnAa make 1 interesting game. Barriers will be cruicial, stop zuckuss at all costs. I think this will be a common ds deck now, especially after Steven Lewis’ Invincible Court (which is damn cool). Try and beat down if possible, otherwise drain for all yer worth. Not sure about this one, but I have beaten it quite a bit in testing.


When he flips, flip and cancel his drains. Use spies, rebel fleet, whatever while you set up to clear out bespin. There will most likely be a series of gruesome battles over bespin, so keep the ships coming. Once you clean him out, he flips back, so make sure you achieve it. Drain elsewhere at the same time. You should win.

Thanks ‘