Lots of Fun

Title: Lots of Fun
Author: Cat "CatLoneRogue" Ceder
Date: Oct 19, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Stuff 7 Local Uprising/Liberation Endor Farm Heading For The Medical Frigate Strike Planning Your Insight Serves You Well Wise Advice

Sites 6 Kessel Endor Docking Bay Tatooine Docking Bay Cantina Home One War Room Home 1 Docking Bay

Characters 18 Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2 General Solo Leia With Blaster Chewbacca of Kashyyyk General Calrissian Nein Nunb General Crix Madine Twass Khaa Lt. Blount Colonel Cracken Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader Tycho Celchu Admiral Ackbar First Officer Thespanni Major Haash’n

Weapons 3 Lukes Lightsaber x2 Obi’s Lightsaber

Ships 4 Gold Squadron 1 Red Squadron 1 Green 3 Home 1

Interrupts/Effects 22 Orders To Engage Battle Plan Bacta Tank Staging Area Squadron Assignment Insurrection The Signal x2 Honor Of The Jedi Rebel Barrier x3 Weapon Levitation x2 Sense x5 Alter x2 Legendary Starfighter ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off I originally had Han With Heavy Blaster (which is good for the Gun) but I took him out for Gen. Solo because of the ability to cancel a destiny on the ground is somewhat helpful.

Yes, I know that there are three Generals in the deck, the first one that you MUST get is Calrissian, then sacrifice Your Insight Serves You Well for Squadron Assignments (if you dont have it in your hand - if you do then just deploy it) then w/Gen Cal. go get the Falcon and w/the 5 Force that you acitvate on your turn (not counting opponent) you then deploy to Endor and if you have 1 force left, save it for Barrier. Normally after looking at your hand and before you activate you’ll know what General to get next - if you see lots of characters and little other stuff get Gen. Solo if you see alot of red and fewer other cards then get Madine (to get other characters).

The cards that are in this deck are chosen for my local meta, their not fixed, however you do want to start with the same cards all the time, there’s really no need to change that. Looking at them youll see why but if you dont heres why

Strike Planning - doesnt allow your opponent to activate for Endor (unless he’s playing the Endor Op Obj) - and allows you to grab the oh so important Generals Wise Advice - this one wasnt in the original version, but because so many people were playing SAC I decided that it should be since my cancelled cards would go to my used pile Your Insight Serves You Well - This is so that you can get the Squadron Assignments (if it’s not in your hand) - the reason that I don’t start w/ Squassi is I don’t want my opponent to guess what I am doing till its to late (his stuffs down and we start)

The sites are chosen for their usefullness most off, Kessel - drain of 3, Home 1 War Room =’s power bonus to Home One, Cantina =’s FD and the DB’s are there to get to the sites and are rather usefull in general.

Characters are characters and they are found in most decks, rather the same as most peoples but I did a little tweaking with if for the two exta Mon Calamarians.

The Weapons and Ships are on par with the local gaming, being as they are usefull…the ships however you’ll notice that theres only 4, now you may be saying well 4s not enough cause of Ties or what not, well Home 1 w/the Calamarians = Immunity <10 and Lateral Damage, Red Squadron 1 w/Wedge and Green 3 w/Tycho cancell destiny and have good overall power and finally Gold Squadron 1 - the Falcon Mmmmm good stuff - especially for Legendary Starfighter.

Interrupts/Effects…ahh a subject that makes and breaks most of the decks now a days. I choose these carefully and after playing several games I found what makes this deck tick and what doesnt - Now Bacta Tank is good in this deck for the sheer fact of the characters 1 of each mostly (again your wondering…only one of this or that - well they come out quite quick and I am not limited to just deploying w/ability of 4 to multiple locations…and they have dual uses as pilots as well if need be), Legendary Starfighter - well we all know the use of this card …. Rebel Barrier to stop that beat down and affectively get that Orders To Engage going for the nice loss of 3. Sense and Alter for cancelling opponents stuff - especially the interrupts…and the others are well noted for their usefullness including Honor of the Jedi (which will change next week)

Now on to the fun stuff….

Against a BHBM deck (it’s only encountered 1 unfortunately) BHBM is good to start but when I throw Luke to Vader and he cant battle me he doesn’t get any stacks and starts loosing force from the Obj. which is good for me - however if it is space choose your battles wisley because if he wins to many he can convert and that’ll be bad - your power in space is good and on the ground is quite well rounded - destinies are average of about 3 but when your opponent get’s non that’s nice. ) - Watch out for Vader w/Stick - thats what the Weapon Levitations are for so that you don’t get beat down. Make sure to get Honor out ASAP

Against HDADTJ - See above for the same similiar scenerio - however watch out for the HD proxy and it drops into a Flaghsip Ops deck then youll have to be more carefull of your fights - watch out mainly for the Baron and a gun - itll be a nightmare.

Against Court - Pretty similiar to above, but you definately want to call your own battles because courts good at retrieving and that’s bad. Most of your ships w/pilots can take out the Bounty Hunter ships just make sure to have enough ability to get past Zuckuss - 2 ship pile ups at site can cover that. Again Honor to stop the Obj. thats what the DB’s are for.

Against most other decks simply start the standard way and you should really have no problem, you have enough stuff to stop some of the important things and you have backup if you need it.

I am thinking of taking out Honor (when it dies next week) and putting in another character - Melas or someone that pilots - maybe BoShek - thoughts, suggestions and criticism is welcome…

Thanks for looking…

Cat “The Garindan Collector” Ceder ‘