You’ll Never Find My Hidden Base

Title: You’ll Never Find My Hidden Base
Author: Joshua "Stormcrow" Grace
Date: Oct 25, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘(always starting) Hidden Base Rendez-Vous Point YAVIN IV Heading for the Medical Frigate Insurrection

(locations 5) Home 1 DB Echo DB Endor Dagobah Yodas Hut

(characters 14) Farmboy Luke JK Luke Luke w/Saber Obi w/Saber x2 Boushh Leia w/Blaster TK-422 Capn Han General Calrissian Nien Numb Wedge Leader Tycho Celchu Lt. Blount

(weapons 2) Anakins Saber X-Wing Laser

(ships 5) Tala 2 Red 6 R2-D2 in R5 Red Squadron 1 Gold Squadron 1

(red 27) Whatre You Pushin? X2 Signal x2 Projection x2 The Force is Strong w/This One x2 Frozen Assets x2 A Few Maneuvers Legendary Starfighter Advantage Order to Engage Courage of a Skywalker Squadron Assignments Wise Advice Bacta Tank Shocking Info HotJedi Out of Nowhere Aim High Weapon Levitation Insight Strike Planning Traffic Control Punch It

(admirals orders 2) Ill Take the Leader x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is currently 16 - 0, with the majority of wins against players with higher ratings than me. Thats my proof that it can win.

Do NOT play this deck if you cant track destiny A couple key destiny adders should ensure that you win battles if you are tracking your destiny, but you will lose if you draw low destiny in battles. (On the other hand, if you can track destiny, you might be able to have Jedi Luke stare down Vader piloting Blizzard 1, while flanked by Blizzard 2 and Tempest 1, and end up pulling off Advantage.)

Note this deck was designed to be played before Sealed Jabba. HotJedi thus was meant to kill Visage, etc., until my opponent occupied three battlegrounds. Then, I would make life difficult for him over at least one of those battlegrounds.

Starting. Always start Insurrection, and the other two effects vary. Typically, youll want Strike Planning and Squadron Assignments, though against Hunt Down, youll swap out Squadron Assignments for Insight (to get HotJedi, of course). Against a deck where you might suspect heavy SAC, start with Wise Advice instead of Squassin. The start of Insurrection, Strike Planning and Squassin affords the quickest set-up, but the deck can accommodate some changes if you need to make them.

The idea is, quite simply, to reduce their drains to zero, or as little as possible, through the use of Projection and spies. What you cant prevent, you block with power. Eventually, your opponent will have to fight you somewhere, and you should manage to get out Advantage or Legendary Starfighter. If your opponent refuses to fight, you should get in nickel-and-dime drains and hit him with Order to Engage.


Vs. Hunt Down. I tested this deck several times against my own, very strong, Hunt Down deck, and this deck came out the winner more often than not. You dont give away any force early, so the Dark Side takes a bit longer to set up, allowing you to get something to a battleground and scrap Insight for HotJedi. You always have to play smart against Hunt Down, but if theyre dueling, make certain your Luke has a lightsaber. And get Courage into your hand before you deploy. Also, start tracking those 5s and 6s, getting them to the top at any point you might be dueled.

Vs. BHBM. Use Luke w/Saber for the suicide hits until Vader gets to a battleground, and then give him JK Luke. If youre lucky, maybe someone will leave Sim Aloo at a site before Vader comes to play, and Luke w/Saber and Force is Strong can annihilate him. Use Frozen Assets to stop Imperial Barriers. Track your destiny (in 3s to stop Sim from bugging you), and you should win the duels, meaning that your opponent should start suffering 1 force each turn as soon as Luke is on their side. Dont lose battles.

Vs. Ties. Ill take the Leader and Whatre You Tryin to Push? will annihilate Ties. Your opponent wont drain for much. Get a main to one of their docking bays to add to your force drains, and just battle them to death. Aim High also helps.

Vs. Scum. Frozen Assets to stop Imperial Barriers. Make certain you beat them down–not the other way. You have limited characters, so you cant afford to have many captured. Projections will stop their drains for quite a while, and HotJedi will stop the pain from the Court 0 side. If they put Gailid out, simply slice him. Push their Projective Telepathy, Imperial Barrier, Hidden Weapons or None Shall Pass.

Vs. Endor Ops. Thank your opponent for the early activation. Start the usual three effects, and get Lando in the Falcon to Endor early. Back him up with Wedge, Luke, etc. Use Projections to block drains of one, and land characters in their ships to block bigger drains. HotJedi, once you get it, will stop the pain from Perimeter Patrol, but deploy en masse, so the beat-down doesnt come your way the next turn.

Vs. Anything else. Use Projection, spies and power to stop their drains. Get out your unholy trio of direct damage (Legendary Starfighter, Advantage, Order to Engage), and pick away at their life force.

Of course, this deck is dead now, or would need major tweaking, with the advent of Jabbas Sealed. But when you rate it, keep in mind that it was designed to be played before Jabbas Sealed. And if you actually review it, give me some suggestions on how to make it work in the new post-Jabbas Sealed environment. Thanks.

Joshua Stormcrow Grace ‘