Hunt Down with Guns (post-JPSD)

Title: Hunt Down with Guns (post-JPSD)
Author: Ryan "heinekin" Hase
Date: Oct 25, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1) Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Locations (5) Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay) Death Star Docking Bay 327 Executor Holotheatre Executor Meditation Chamber Rendilli

Epic Event (1) Epic Duel

Blue (3) Bossk In Hounds Tooth Boba Fett in Slave I Blizzard 2

Characters (14) Emporer Palpatine Dengar with Blaster Carbine IG-88 With Riot Gun x2 Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2 Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x3 Lord Vader x2 Dr. Evazan x2 Dannik Jeriko

Weapons (4) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber x2 Dr E’s Sawed-off Blaster

Effects (12) No Escape Disarmed Imperial Decree Imperial Arrest Order Mobilization Points Reactor Terminal Search And Destroy Security Precautions Visage Of The Emperor x3 There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Interrupts (20) Prepared Defenses Ghhhk Sniper x2 Monnok x2 Set For Stun Focused Attack Force Lightning The Circle Is Now Complete Unexpected Interruption Vader’s Obsession You Are Beaten x2 Twi’lek Advisor Imperial Barrier x2 Masterful Move x2 Counter Assault ‘

Strategy: ‘

Honor died, now hunt down is back and worse than it ever was.  This is my first attempt at reconstructing Hunt Down since it’s previous hindrances we all like to know as Honor of the Jedi.  I suppose starting with No Escape is a little overkill, but hey, you want them to lose cards, no excuses.  Average destiny in the deck overall is just huge… that’s what it’s all about too.  Duel away Luke and Obi in the late game when you know your destinies, otherwise just use all of your guns to blow people up

Take it from the top 

Locations I made quick and painless, there are only 5, all of which are out of your deck and on the table by turn 2.  This brings your net total of destiny 0 cards to… 0  I went sparingly on the blue cards… Blizzard two provides good shelter for Dr. E when he is unarmed, but it’s mostly in there to help enforce the decree if needs be on Hoth.  This deck vs. EBO is over faster than any game I’ve ever seen, so get out faster  The character are pretty straight forward.  Palpatine is destiny 6, activates two extra force (one more generation from holotheatre) and has zappy fingers good for shooting things, and an ugly face good for scaring the little children you come up against (God help you if you need this edge to win.)  Dengar is a machine and can wax two people per battle, IG-88 is the commando of the deck, can’t be battled, takes out one guy, and adds a destiny.  Mara is no brainer as is my choice of Vader’s.  I went extra heavy on the DLOTS because the choke is just huge with all the nice destinies in the deck… He also makes short work of the new alien deck that might be getting more popular with the objective.	Dr E is just the man in this deck, he kills stuff.  This will give you the edge in all those battles and hopefully you can reduce your opponent below drawing destiny with him.  Dannik is the once and for all removal, an excellent touch on finishing off any alien representative, Han, or Leia.


To back up these studly character we got guns.	A stick for Mara, two for Vader, and Dr. E gets his super blasto-matic.  If you have enough force to shoot 5 shots, I guarentee you’ll hit something.


The effects were pretty much brainless to extract.  Starting No Escap, Imperial Arrest Order, and Mob Points.  Imp decree stops up EBO.  Reactor Terminal is to track the late game destinies and setup a good counter assault.  Search and Destroy is the best direct damage around and really knocks your opponent out in conjunction with Visage.  Sec Precautions handles the ever-popular Hidden Base and There’ll be hell to pay is for grabbing whatever.	Usually I find rebel barrier most annoying.  There was also room to pack two extra visages just in case you lose the first one, and of course, they’re destiny 7


These are what make the deck what it is.  The average destiny of the interrupts is a bit less than 4.  Sniper is an obvious want, and the monnoks compliment the Masterful Moves quite well.  Set for Stun is a sweet card with a special purpose in the deck, although with all the high destinies, a well tracked one can really spoil your opponent’s day.  Focused attack is a no-brainer, just like force lightning.  The two dueling cards are good late game.  Count some destinies or stack em with Reactor Terminal.  Don’t be afraid to use Vader’s obsession with it’s own game text instead of epic duel… While it removes your objective from play, you stand the chance for quite a bit of retreival, even more with focused attack.  If you pull off a disarmed, then for God’s sake, DUEL	You Are Beaten is just sick, plus I have to protect all the DLOTS whenever Lord Vader isn’t the man on the table.  The Barriers are huge.  This constitutes one of the many ways this deck can remove people from battles.  Counter Assault wins games.  The desinies are the key to this deck.  A close game, or even one your losing, can be knocked in your favor with a well timed counter assault.  If those aleins turn out to be more popular, I plan on packing two of these as they will really piss off a group of 4 eloms trying to drain.


There is good in him 	Use twi’lek and Unexpected Interruption to find Disarmed and Vader’s Obsession to make short work of this game.  That’s just the fun and reckless method.  If you play this game well, your opponent won’t be winning many games.  The battling power of this deck is just amazing and most TIGIH decks don’t pack the punch to keep the pace with it.

EBO  Here’s your toughest match… It’s also your quickest.  It all breaks down to the variant of EBO that your opponent is playing.  If he doesn’t have much power on the ground, take over Hoth and enforce the decree.  If he has lots of ground power, take over Hoth and enforce the decree.  Weapons, weapons, weapons… unless it’s EBO with baragwins, the average destiny won’t be too impressive so don’t be afraid to duel.  Get S&D up and running ASAP and don’t forget to keep Visage enforced EVERY turn.  Every single force will count in the end.  The deck is capable of winning this match-up, it’s all about how you play it.

Profit  You get to start with Mara in the chamber  Depending on the cards you are dealt, you can usually find something abusive to smack on your opponent and stall him out.	Get Vader in the Camber quickly and you can move Mara out with some extra help and enforce S&D.  Most of the time your opponent will never flip unless he get’s an excellent hand… (It happens to all of us)  And once Han IS freed you have MORE than enough people to go shoot him.  Iggy is huge in this game.  Make a susprise attack, capture Han, boot him to Used pile or keep him if it suits you.	This match-up won’t be too tough.

Agents in the court  Aliens have been made powerful  What can you do when you can’t get rid of that stupid Yarna Gargan?  I have found that in 100% of the games I have played against people with Yarna, they draw up to 12 cards.  Set for Stun one of the aliens on the table and monnok away one your turn.  They will no longer be protected by Yarna and the monnok should remove some, especially if you just returned one.  If this deck turns out to be popular enough, I might reconsider playing more Set For Stuns.   Another method is using Dannik Jeriko to remove the rep from the game.  In this game, Dr. E is gonna be the main man.  Hold fast to your sites and kill him off with Visage and some big battles.  Will be interesting to see how these play out.

Hidden Base  With security precautions and two ships, I’m not even worried about this match-up…  Hidden Base comes out far too slow and they will be half dead by the time they are finally ready to flip.  If they play any characters, it is more than likely suicide EPPs.  Toss a barrier on one they throw down and duel him out of play.  Get S&D set-up and proceed to kill opponent.  An easy match-up.

The deck is capable of beating every other deck it comes up against, it all just boils down to how well you play. But no matter how well you do play, one thing will always hold true, this deck is lots of fun to play and should be very comptetetive in the new playfield.