Raveling’s Bunker Deck

Title: Raveling’s Bunker Deck
Author: Michael "Gilliatt" Raveling
Date: Oct 25, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting(5) Endor Bunker Mob Points IAO You Cannot Hide Forever Prepared Defences

Effects(3) Overseeing It Personally Secret Plans Perimeter Patrol

Interrupts(6) Projective Telepathy X 2 Ghkkk Imperial Command Elis Helrot Dark Jedi Presence

Characters(35) Sim Aloo X 2 Emperor X 2 Captain Sarkli X 2 Mara Jade X 2 Janus Greejatus X 2 Ephant Mon X 3 Navy Trooper Fenson X 2 IG-88 with Riot Gun 4-Lom with Con Rifle Mosep Lieutenant Cecius U-3PO Ds-181-4 Ds-181-3 Trooper Davin Felth Sergeant Elsek Stormtrooper Cadet Admiral Ozzel Corporal Grenwick Officer Evax Lt. Endicott Lt. Pol Treidum Lt. Commander Ardan Lord Vader Vader w Saber Tarkin Colonel David Jon

Ships(1) Boba Fett in Slave 1

Locations(10) Endor Forest Clearing X 2 Endor Dark Forest Endor Back Door Endor Great Forest Endor Dense Forest Endor Ewok Village Executer DB DS2 DB Wakeelmui ‘

Strategy: ‘

Set up Pull Wakeelmui and Perimeter Patrol. Activate your 2. Now if you have a 1 deploy guy in your hand put him down at the DS2 Docking bay. Otherwise just deploy the Docking Bay, Wakeelmui, and draw. Try to get those 1 deploy guys to the docking bays. Whenever you get a set of 1 deploy guys and a site to drain at Endor than put one down at the Bunker and the other down at the Endor site. Notice that you are giving the Light side no force until you are ready to drain. Put Ephant Mon down at the Bunker as soon as possible. Never wait on that. If the light side saves force on any turn that means they have a spy and are going to deploy at one of your sites and crush you. If you have the Ghhk than dont worry about the Docking bays too much and focus in on the Bunker. If Ephant Mon is there than you dont need to worry. The only aliens that anyone plays with are Tawas Kha and Melas and they are not going to do any sort of beat down on Endor. If either of them deploys and draws a 5 say for destiny all you have to lose is 1 or 2 force. Dont worry about Melas or Tawas You have a max drain for 18 a turn with every site out and Overseeing it Personally. Perimeter Patrol acts as your permanent Imperial Barrier so dont be afraid to spread out on Endor. Draw a lot. If you need to you can send Vader and Tarkin to the opponents sites because Endor should be secure. If youre playing against speeders remember that Perimter Patrol works on them too. The name of the game is drain. Card Choices Why not play with Endor Occupation?? This is a good question. The objective is nice when flipped but all the light side needs to flip it back is control of the Endor system. You give the light side three more force from turn one, which is bad. This version gives the light side zero force until you are set up with Perimeter Patrol. Starting with Endor Occupation also gives the light side a system to drain you at and you have only one ship to defend it. Also your opponent can deploy to a ship orbiting Endor and come down to your sites making Perimeter Patrol worthless. Plus Endor Occupation gives the light side the Endor Docking Bay which makes it super easy for the Light side to get to your locations. Dont make it easy for the Opponent to get around Perimeter Patrol. You will like seeing the light side lose a force whenever Obi w Saber or Jedi Luke gets deployed.

What about Spies?? The game text Lt. Pol Treidum is your spy defence. Use Janus Greejatus to recycle the card you need to break a particular spies cover. As soon as a spy is deployed then get Pol Treidum there and break its cover. In the old days Lt. Pol Treidum would decide games when he broke undercover spies cover in the control phase, you deployed a ton, and battled his lone spy. What worked in the old days can work now days too.

Why so many wimpy 1 deploy guys?? The first couple of turns are pivotal to a good game. If you draw one of these guys then you can get some good force activation on turn 2 and on. With Perimeter Patrol they can hold an Endor site all by themselves without fear of being slaughtered. Endicott, Cecius, and Ozzel are the best first turn characters because they deploy for free at the Docking Bays. If you get Cecius in your hand then deploy the Executer DB first and put him there for free. That is nice.

What about Battle Plan?? I admit that I would have to pay 3 for every drain and that could be really expensive. But this deck can also generate a lot of force. You have 2 sites that you can activate 3 at in the form of the 2 docking bays and then plenty of sites with 2 icons for you. I played against a Dagobah deck that started Battle Plan and I was able to afford every drain.

Why only 1 ship?? This deck can outdrain an EBO deck and most Hidden Bases. Plus I take the position that if you are going up to space you need more than a couple of star destroyers to kill the super Falcon. Just let the Super Falcon have its system and outdrain it on the ground. I might even consider taking Slave 1 out and putting in a bonus character like another 4-lom. Hidden base x-wing swarm is not popular in my area any more or I might have to include a couple more bounty hunter ships in this deck. Even if you match up against a HBX deck you can still outdrain it and set Slave 1 down at there biggest drain and should win.

Why 2 Projective Telepathies?? Anger Fear Aggression is a sucky card and you need to cancel it. You can also play it to cancel drains and battles and help get around Order to Engage. Nice.

Why no Sense/Alter protection?? The only card that really matters is Overseeing it Personally. All the other ones can be cancelled and you wont even notice it. You also arent counting on Reacts to save your hide from battles so you dont need to worry about that. Without Overseeing it Personally you can still drain for 11 a turn with this deck. So SAC should not effect you.

Why 2 Sarklis?? If you ever play a TIGIH deck than you will see the beauty of removing almost every speck of force activation from the light side player. It is fun. I am liking this card more and more as I play with him.

What will change after JPOTSD comes out?? I would swap 2 Ephant Mons for 2 of those effects that get him. That raises the destiny of the deck some. I would not start with that effect because you need the force from the Mob Points, IAO combo and you also need Perimeter Patrol.

Wouldnt Ewoks kill this deck?? I live in constant fear of the Ewok deck. The Ewok deck is becoming the single most powerful deck the light side has and so long as Ewoks rule the tournament scene I will be unable to effectively play with this deck. Ewoks are broken and there is nothing this deck can do to stop them.

Why do you play with these sucky decks?? HEYWhat makes you think this deck is so sucky? You ever tried it?

For more on how I played this deck see my Grand Slam tournament report.

-Michael Raveling