Oedipus the Jedi

Title: Oedipus the Jedi
Author: edmund "edmund" gray
Date: Oct 26, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Start(7) Wise Advice Twilight is upon me Insurrection HFTMF Hidden Base Rendevous Point System

Locations(5) Kessel Kiffex Tant DB Dagoba Yoda’s Hut

Characters(13) Jedi Luke x2 EPP Luke x2 EPP Obi x2 Ben Kenobi x2 Captain Han x3 EPP Leia x2

Ships(4) Millenium Falcon x3 Home One

Green(2) Obi’s ls Lukes ls

Interrupts(18) Gift of the Mentor x2 Glancing Blow x2 The Force is strong in this One x2 Captive Fury x2 Tunnel Vision x4 Twileck blaster proficiency x2 I Know clash of sabers x2

Effects(11) Draw their fire Frozen assets x2 grabber do or do not menace fades battle plan Kessel Runs x4 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Set up big drain with super falcon at kessel, and big retrieval with kessel runs, watch out for lateral damage. don’t flip. pull dagoba and then the hut for big activation. pull tant db then have luke and obi kick as s on the ground. with the tunnel visions amass a huge beetdown. if they capture someone via bhbm or hidden weapons then surprise them with captive fury and kick their butt. you can pull the force is strong, add destinies with gift, swing sabers, use lost blaster proficiencies to make their hit characters immediately lost, reduce vader’s power to 0 with glancing blow and exclude someone with clash. This deck is FUN and really good against the all popular BHBM and the soon to be once again popular Huntdown. ‘