Raveling’s Throne Room

Title: Raveling’s Throne Room
Author: Michael "Gilliatt" Raveling
Date: Oct 27, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting(5) Massassi Throne Room Staging Areas Insurrection Strike Planning Head for Med Frigate

Characters(31) Jedi Luke Leia w Blaster X 2 Luke w Saber Obi w Saber Orrimarko General Crix Madine General Calrissian Chewbacca X 2 Melas Oola X 3 Wioslea Talz Rebel Trooper Recruit Sergeant Bruckman Kal Falnl Cndros X 2 Corporal Kensaric Momaw Nadon Lt. Blount Major Panno Hnemthe X 2 Major Olander Brit Wedge Antilles Nien Nunb Colonel Cracken Melas

Locations(12) Rendezvous Point Endor Tatooine Cantina Endor Chief Chirpas Hut Endor Back Door Yavin 4 Massassi Warroom Dagobah Yodas Hut Hoth Echo Command Warroom Home 1 Warroom Hoth Docking Bay Home 1 Docking Bay Spaceport Docking Bay

Effects(3) Goo Nee Tay X 3

Ships(1) Home 1

Interrupts(8) Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes X 3 Tunnel Vision X 2 Grimtaash It Could Be Worse Fallen Portal ‘

Strategy: ‘

Set Up First turn pull Madine and General Solo. Don’t pull Calrissian unless you draw one of the other Generals. Then activate. Put any of those cheap deploy guys at the Home 1 Docking Bay. Kal fal is best. Oola is better. Draw a lot. Keep putting out locations for huge activation. Use General Solo for your beat down. Put Madine at a docking bay too to keep him safe. If you have Oola out then do her game text whenever you can. You can keep almost every character out of the dark sides hand plus you get the force to do it.

My Motivation I got the motivation to build this deck when I was at DecipherCon and Jim Li didn’t know what light side to play. I told him to put together a Throne Room deck that used cheap guys like Kal Fal to get huge activation. Jim Li said “Yeah right” and ignored me. So I put this together to show him what I meant and what this deck is capable of.

Match Ups Vs Hunt Down. You can generally get set up more quickly than a Hunt Down deck can. You should have more activation a lot quicker. Put Madine down at a Docking Bay and grab a spy to cancel Visage. Keep attacking the Executer sites with spies to get those attractive drains of 2. Plus if you get beat off of them the dark side just sits there and can’t drain.

Vs Ral Ops. Isn’t this deck type dead now? You should have enough force so that the deploy +2 doesn’t matter. Flip them back whenever they flip because you can outpower them and use the Spaceport Docking Bay to help.

Vs BHBM. Use Luke with Lightsaber to do hit and runs until Vader comes out. When that happens just give them Jedi Luke and forget about it. If you get a first turn Goo Nee Tay then deploy that and deploy your spies to the Throne Room. That way the dark side has to beat you off of that site if they want to use Emperor’s Power. That site gives you a nice drain and the dark side must try to retake it. It is quite fun to sit at the opponents Throne Room with a huge force of guys and watch the dark side try to retake it. Put some thought into it if you want to devote General Solo to that site though. Then he can’t go anywhere else.

Vs Ties. I played one of these in the Grand Slam and Home 1 worked nicely. Home 1 just sits there and can’t be killed. Plus you can load General Calrissian and Nien Nunb or Solo and Leia onto it and make it invincible. Because Ties has so few characters if you keep Oolaing them then you can control every ground site relatively easy.

Questions How can you start only activating two?? If you were playing a regular light side you wouldn’t even get that. You are starting before the dark side you know. You also get a shot to deploy Goo Nee Tay on the first turn which could screw up a BHBM deck. Second turn you should activate 5 and give the dark side none which is better than most light side starts. The Throne Room makes the start with 2 force a viable start.

Why 3 Goo Nee Tays?? The signal costs 3 force. If you get a Goo Nee Tay in your opening hand then you can play it. If you get a Signal in your opening hand you can’t.

Why Endor system?? It is like a two-zero system in most ways and a drain of 1 isn’t going to kill you if the dark side controls it.

Why not pack more mains?? Luke gets captured by BHBM, Obi gets circled, and Leia sucks vs Hunt Down. So the scrubs have to take on some of the load. Look at the scrubs you have though. Brit draws an extra destiny with Panno. Nien Nunb draws an extra one with Calrissian. General Solo cancels one with Chewie or a scout. The dark side deploy cost gets huge with Hnemthe and Kensaric. While the mains are great at certain times the scrubs can do some good.

Why so many 1 ability chars?? The Talz, Wioslea, Bruckman, etc are in there to get Staging Areas going quick. If you draw a Wind Chimes you can set the Talz down at the docking bays first turn. Kal Fal is good for her zero deploy and high forfeit. Setting up nice force generation is what this deck is about.

Why only Home 1 for space?? It is immune to attrition but has super high deploy cost. Most light side decks should not have a ship that deploys for so much because they can’t afford it. This light side gets monster activation which makes the Home 1 fit nicely into it. Once its down it is not going anywhere. Only something like Dengar in Punishing 1 can kill the Home 1s immunity. No Tie Cannon is going to shoot it down. The two Tunnel Visions let you get it out of your force whenever you activate it.

No Sense Alter protection?? Not too much here to Sense or Alter. Goo Nee Tay and maybe the Wind Chimes would matter. This deck doesn’t count on interrupts to save it.

Why 3 Wind Chimes when you only have three characters that are non-unique aliens?? For first turn you can get a Talz quick. For later you can get a Hnemthe. This card is destiny five and you need to track it. Look at how low the destinies are in this deck. I drew about a million zeros at the Grand Slam so if you have a destiny 5 card that you can recycle and track then you need to do it. Tracking isn’t that hard.

Where are the Ishi Tibs or the Reactor Terminal?? Ishi Tibs fit nicely into a deck that needs certain cards to come out and has certain cards that aren’t really needed. What cards are you going to recycle with Ishi Tib? You need all those characters so you better not put them back into your reserve. Reactor Terminal doesn’t fit nicely either. You use a card slot for Reactor Terminal to set up recycling but if you can track destiny then all you need is the Wind Chimes. Why waste a card slot for an Alterable effect that you don’t really need?

Where is Shasa Tiel?? Good question. What does she do again? If I used her I would really be in trouble.

Where is the Corellian?? Well after some careful consideration I decided that my use of a Corellian in this deck was really unjustified. Plus that card sucks.

This deck is a pile isn’t it?? Now come on. Can’t you be nice, even once? Be open to new ideas. Does every deck have to be Dagobah train or TIGIH?

For more info see my Raveling’s Bunker Deck or my Grand Slam, Minnesota tourney report.

-Michael Raveling