You said Force Drain What’s that

Title: You said Force Drain What’s that
Author: Robert "Sparky" Parker
Date: Oct 27, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting 6

Hidden Base/Butterfingers Rendezvous Point HB Indicater HFTMF Do Or Do Not Wise Advice

Locations 7 Coruscant Kiffex Ralltiir Courlag x2 Mon Calamari Kessel

Characters 16 Rebel Guard x7 Elom x7 Jedi Luke x1

Starships 12 Home One Independence Tantive IV Spiral Red Leader in Red 1 X-wing x7

Effects 7 S-foils Bargining Table Rebel Fleet Entrechment Never Tell Me The Odds x2 Yarna

Interrupts 10 The Signal x5 All Wings Report In x2 Nar Shadda Wind Chimes x2 Organized Attack

Weapons 2 Disruptor Pistol x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

OMG Apologies everyone I guess I must have spaced and pressed dark instead of light deck. I’m sorry….I’ll probably repost it and get it right, but I’d appreciate it if you rated it anyway.

As anyone could (probably) see, the whole point of this deck is to block force drains while going on the offense with whatever you think is necessary. You can chose to flip or not. It isnt vital with this deck. Obviously, dont flip if they have securety precausions out, as it wont take them long to find your planet. The eloms are an anti Rops (laugh it up, that was my old dark deck) and Perimator Patrol force. I chose the guards for Entrenchment because I figured they have decent destiny for odds and I could control a couple of sites with an elom or two backing them up. The space in this deck is okay, although as you can see, not overwhelming by any stretch. It can be with S-foils and an organized backing you up. If you can hold any two of the big three (Kiffex, Coruscant, or Kessel) you should be fine. You can also get some good retrevial with the Chimes and All Wings. NTMTO can be deadly, and if your saying MONNOK…, youre right, but with 5 signals, I can get any effect that I need it be Yarna or the cancelers.

Reviews and comments are always welcome -)