who chot the home one my little tie DID ;]

Title: who chot the home one my little tie DID ;]
Author: Philippe "Climax_Giver" Parise
Date: Oct 28, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘start(5) Death Star(that evil thing yes) prepared defenses oppresive enforcment something special planed for them combat response

characters(12) 4x EPP vader(yes the evil man) 3x cmdr. merrejk 2x lt. hebsly 2x major mianda u-3p0

ships( 18) scythe 1 scythe 3 2x accuser 6x dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser 4x black squadron TIE 4x scythe squadron TIE

wepons(4) 4x sfs L-s7.2 TIE cannon

systems(4) endor kiffex kashyyyk sullust

admiral’s orders(2) 2x fighter cover

effect(3) 2x presence of the force dreaded imperial starfleet

interupts(12) twi’lek advisor flawless marksmanship 2x i can’t shake him 2x talon roll 2x dark manewvers 2x heavy fire zone 2x all power too wepons ‘

Strategy: ‘

ok…..1st off some changes you might want to make -you can take the vaders out & put in some #’s…..with all the guys being 3 except system get-her @#$% it’s all good -also accuser can be switched for barriers -& some grabbers would be good(VERY) other than that it’s just your personal playing style that matters this deck i played at the worlds vs a lot of the yellow carders on day 1(people who won regionals or continentals) & i won 12 out of 12 with this one…….so it’s good & people are not used to this space stuff as much & dont usually know how to play vs em that’s about it just get your systems out & drian while shotting anything that comes at you example some guy attacked my merrjk with dreadnaught & 2 ties at death star before he put down homeone/acbar,tantive/KFC it was early game cause i give lots activation anyhow i had one wepon……i depoy anoher wepon from reserve with fire zone i hit BOTH capitals & ended up loosing the wepons to my use & the merjjk this deck RAPES try it out

bu i can trak destiny it helps in this deck ‘