Ewok Agents and Jedi Protectors

Title: Ewok Agents and Jedi Protectors
Author: Nick "JediBrain" Stefanko
Date: Oct 30, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘LOCATIONS Endor Back Door Endor Dense Forest Endor Hidden Forest Trail Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Endor Rebel Landing Site (Forest) Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Tatooine Hutt Trade Route (Desert)

CHARACTERS Daughter Of Skywalker Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan With Lightsaber Ewok Spearman (x10) Figrin D’an Graak (x3) Ithorian (x3) Kazak (x2) Tessek (x2) Artoo Threepio

WEAPON Anakin’s Lightsaber

OBJECTIVE Agents In The Court/No Love For The Empire

EFFECTS A Gift Bargaining Table Bo Shuda Do, Or Do Not Insurrection Order To Engage Seeking An Audience Traffic Control Uh-oh

INTERRUPTS Endor Celebration Ewok Rescue (x2) Fallen Portal Heading For The Medical Frigate Houjix Lost In The Wilderness (x2) Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes (x3) Out Of Commission (x2) Sound The Attack (x2) The Signal ‘

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE Seeking An Audience has been removed from the deck. Since the style of the deck is to draw for cards you need, SAA is just a waste to pull 2 cards that aren’t central to the deck. In it’s place, I have put in a Beggar. This will hopefully save me from large beatdowns, spoil my opponent’s plans, and speed up my setup.

Starting stuff Agents In The Court/NLFTE (show Graak as Rep), Tatooine Hutt Trade Route, Jabbas Palace Audience Chamber, Heading For The Medical Frigate for Do, Or Do Not, Insurrection, and Uh-oh

Object of deck 1st turn, pull Bo Shuda and Endor Landing Platform. Deploy an Ithorian and 2 Ewoks at each site you can; at others, a few Ewoks. Use Ewok Rescue, Sound The Attack, and Fallen Portal to aid in your defense. With the Ithorians, Kazak, and Tessek out, youll be able to drain for at least 4 at every Endor site. Use Seeking An Audience to pull Artoo for A Gift, and to pull Threepio out for battle (since he forfeits to Used, he can come back almost every turn). Anakins Lightsaber is great for use in defending Endor and enhancing drains, or giving to Jedi Luke for some off-Endor battling. Bo Shuda and Order To Engage should keep the Audience Chamber clear (unless opponent wants to lose 3 per turn). Bubo hurts, but not all that much. Tessek is nice to have, but is not a cornerstone of the deck. With all your modifiers and ability to pound any DS forces coming to the Forest Moon, you should be able to win the drain race. ‘