Endor Ops v 1

Title: Endor Ops v 1
Author: M "ISBOPS" C
Date: Oct 31, 2000 Rating: 3.0



’ Sites (15) Endor Great Forest x2 “ Back Door Spaceport Docking Bay Y4 Docking Bay DS2 Docking Bay Tatooine Gall Raithal Carida MONCAL Endor “ Landing Platform “ Bunker

Characters (13) Commander Merrejk x2 Admiral Piett Major Marquand Commander Igar Biker Scout Trooper x2 Corporal Drelosyn Sergeant Elsek Corporal Avarik Vader W/Stick Darth Vader Admiral Chiraneau

Starships (10) Victory Class SD x4 Tyrant Judiactor Dominator Thunderflare Accuser Flag X

Interrupts (5) Scanning Crew Imperial Command Trooper Charge Hutt Smooch Takeel

Effects (6) Search and destroy Ominous Rumours Establish Secret Base Perimeter Patrol Something Special Planned for Them Failure at the Cave

Weapons (1) Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

Objectives (1) Endor Ops

Strategy: ‘

This is just a normal Eops deck. Lose YCHF to take Perimeter Patrol into hand so the Rebel’s will think twice before deploying to Endor. Ominous Rumours lets you have drains 2 plus, so control as many Endor sites as you can. I use Mob. Points so I can have enough force to deploy all of my Sd’s. I have two Merrijeck’s so I can pull my sites quickly and get all of the 0 destinies out. This deck did 1-2 at the most recent tournament, but take into consideration that it was my first tournament. Sorry there isn’t more strategy but I’m pretty new. ‘