People’s Court

Title: People’s Court
Author: Travis "Nudjer" Bean
Date: Nov 1, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Obj(1) Court of the vile gangster

Loc(6) Kashyyyk JPAud chamber JPDungeon TatJP TatCantina TatGreat Pit of Carkoon

Char(18) Mighty Jabba x2 Outer rim scout Ephant Mon Gailid Bane Malar Jodo Kast x2 Ig-88 x2 Boba fett w/blaster 4-lom w/blaster Mara Jade x3 J’quille Chall Bekan Dr. E

Ships(4) Bossk in Bus Zuckuss in ship Boba in ship Jabba’s ship

creature(2) Sarlacc bubo

Interrupts(16) Imperial Barrier x2 hidden weapons x2 none shall pass x2 Masterfull move x2 Monnok x2 Twi’lek projective telepathy prepared defenses hutt smouch you are beaten main course

Effect(11) Scum and villainy x2 There’ll be hell to pay disarmed all wrapped up pressence of the force no bargain first strike battle order secret plans search and destroy

Weapon(2) Mara saber x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

I made this deck because it seemed to be a fun deck. What I also noticed is that it wins to.

Start with prepared def. and No bargain, All wrapped up, and Secret Plans.	No bargain helps from thoes first and second turn mains from showing up.  It also canceles revolutions which always helps. Secret plans just makes your opponent pay for there retrievals.  All wrapped up is just there to help you capture thoes guys you need to flip the obj.

I put the Sarlacc in to help you win later in the game.  After he eats a captive you gain some force and your opponent losses some. Nothing wrong with that

What you do is simple, capture your opponents guys and feed them to the Sarlacc.  If your opponent is playing a space deck, spread out quickly, and force drain.  But don’t spread out to thin, cause thoes darn epp’s can hurt.	Also against space decks get out search and destroy.  That well most likely make your opponent come to you. hidden weapons is also a big help in this deck.  Most likely before you use it, you have tracked the destiny you want.  Most likely a two so you capture one of there guys during the battle or before the battle.	Disarmed is also a most have card in here.  I love doing it to jedi Luke.

There you have it my Court deck.  I know it doesnt seem like much, but trust me it works.  Also please make any corrections that you see, just write them in your review.  I know this could be better, so just tell me what I need.

Thanks Bean ‘